Barbershop Harmony Society

About Barbershop Harmony Society

The Barbershop Harmony Society is the world’s largest singing Society, with 20,000 members across North America. Affiliated men’s and women’s organizations in more than a dozen countries bring the total number of active singers to more than 80,000 worldwide. Through active programs in music education, publishing, performance, and outreach, the Society preserves and extends the reach of a uniquely American close harmony musical art form whose roots lie in African-American improvisation and European harmony traditions. Founded in 1938 as the Society for the Preservation and Encouragement of Barber Shop Quartet Singing in America, Inc. (SPEBSQSA), the Society now expends $1.3 million annually in support of community and school programs that bring the fellowship, fulfillment, and excitement of vocal music to a new generation of singers.


Music Education Intern

May 2020 Nashville, TN
“I loved how engaging my supervisors and the rest of the company was even after being online. They acknowledged that being online would make things different and then we proceeded to get creative and find other ways to work on projects.”

Music / Arrangements and Repertoire Intern

May 2018 - August 2018 Nashville, TN
“The work environment was great. All of the employees are so nice, I felt welcomed and included. I was able to learn a lot. ”
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