Auditor of Public Accounts - State of Kentucky

Auditor Intern

May 2023 • Frankfort, KY

What I liked

The work was great for seeing if I wanted to continue my accounting education in grad school. I really enjoyed the people I worked with and for. On a daily basis, the hours were consistent and they were very understanding if I needed to move my hours around or call out. I enjoyed travelling to nearby counties to work. It kept the work from becoming too monotonous.

What I wish was different

I wish we had done a bit more formal training. As an economics and finance major, I was very familiar with the work we were doing, but being trained a bit more like a new employee would could have helped me become more confident in the work.


I would encourage younger accounting/finance majors to do this internship. I think they have the most to gain because it is a great first internship as well as one that helps you figure out if this is the career field for you.
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