Athletico Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Aide

June - August 2023 • Northbrook, IL

What I liked

Fun and relaxed work environment

What I wish was different

Not a ton of technical work


A great summer job
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June - August 2018 • Selbyville, DE

What I liked

The experience

What I wish was different



Important for future physical therapists
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Physical Therapist Shadowing

June - August 2019 • Mechanicsville, VA

What I liked

I loved working with new patients and seeing the returning patients get so excited to see me.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've been a Physical Therapy Tech so that I could have done more hands on things rather than just watching.


Reach out way earlier than you think you need too! Opportunities like this fill up so fast and to be a competitive applicant on a PT application you need the experience and this was such a great start!
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Physical Therapy Aide Internship

May - August 2019 • Frederick, MD

What I liked

How friendly everyone was and how much I learned. All of the Physical Therapists quizzed me on my anatomy knowledge.

What I wish was different



Ask a lot of questions.
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Physical Therapy Aide

May - August 2022 • Antioch, IL

What I liked

Amazing staff who are always ready to explain the physiology behind each movement. Also, it was exciting seeing patients heal from their injuries and gain back strength incrimentally.

What I wish was different

I wish I had worked there sooner to gain more experience.


If you have a question ask.
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Rehab Assistant

May - August 2022 • Monee, IL

What I liked

I really love the atmosphere. All of the employees and patients are so friendly and it really doesn’t even feel like a job ever.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could’ve continued to work there while at school but it’s too far of a drive now.


I would say to definitely be outgoing and talk to the patients and other workers. I would also say to ask questions because you never want to do the wrong thing.
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Rehab Aide

June 2022 • Tucson, AZ

What I liked

I loved/love the environment, my co-workers, the patients, and the work I got/get to do.

What I wish was different



I started by shadowing and did so for nearly a year. Then I asked for a job, and they said yes! My advice is to get involved in what you are interested in and don't be afraid to ask for opportunities.
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Clinical Rehabilitation Aide

March 2020 • West Chester Township, OH

What I liked

I love the hands-on experience they offer. It exposes you to the health care field whether it be professionalism, patient treatment, cleanliness, insurance, or following covid protocol. This is a great experience if you want to see what goes on in the rehabilitation realm of health care.

What I wish was different

At times it feels very repetitive and since you’re not certified/ licensed it handcuffs on you what you can do on the job. Some days feel like you’re just there to clean and fold laundry.


If you’re on the fence about PT or OT this is a great job to have to see which one you prefer to do/ pursue.
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Physical Therapist Aide

August 2020 • Cedar Rapids, IA

What I liked

I really like being social and thrive around people so helping patients and being interactive is really enjoyable for me. I especially like helping post operation patients!

What I wish was different

Having only been working with Athletico for about a year, there is not necessarily anything I wish would be different. The job is as I expected it would be! (In the best way) it would be nice if there were maybe more high school/college athletes that came in because I enjoy working with them!


This is a great job for patient contact hours for college. Id highly recommend this job for students pursuing graduate school!
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Clinical Rehabilitation Aide

March - August 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

The job had me interacting with patients immediately. You get to know each patient very well and see their progress through PT. You also learn the muscle groups pretty fast as well. Overall great place to be an Aide.

What I wish was different

Nothing really


Get a good pair of walking shoes because you are on your feet all the time. Also, get some golf kakis more comfortable for all-day use.
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Rehabilitation Aide

May - August 2019 • Cape Girardeau, MO

What I liked

I loved the relaxed working environment and the fact that I could learn more about physical therapy while I was performing my daily tasks.

What I wish was different

I do wish I would've had more hours, however, the flexibility gave me time to travel, to shadow, and to volunteer over my summer on top of this job.


Since my work place didn't have a lot of customers, I didn't have steady hours, so if you're looking for one that does, you won't find it here. However, it it a very flexible job with a great environment to learn more about physical therapy, especially for college students who are looking to go into rehabilitation services.
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Physical therapy technician

April 2019 • Tucson, AZ

What I liked

My bosses are constantly teaching me.

What I wish was different

It would be nice if the job was closer to my school and home.


Get a job in the field you are studying before graduating to see what the field is really like and if you'd enjoy it or another area of the field you are studying.
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Clinical Rehabilitation Aide

June 2018 • Northbrook, IL

What I liked

The environment is very inviting and homely. I feel as if the people I work with and the patients we see are like family. They're so supportive and caring.

What I wish was different

I would like to be offered a raise, since I've been here for over a year and a half and my salary is below the minimum wage for Cook County.


No matter how difficult the task seems, always take a minute to step back, take a breath, and remind yourself about all the things you love about this career and why you're here. Also, never be afraid to ask for help. We're a team and a family, and we always have each other's backs.
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Rehab technician

May - August 2019 • Carmel, IN

What I liked

The community feel I got from everyone working there! They were all so willing to help me learn the different tasks of a physical therapist. I trusted everyone there and they trusted me-everyone was so willing to help me learn how to do my job and how to do it well!!

What I wish was different


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Clinical Rehabilitation Aide

May - October 2019 • Westerville, OH

What I liked

I liked the invaluable experience I gained within a physical therapy clinic. I built relationships with the therapists and staff that will help me in the future and further expand my network. The location was nice because of its proximity to Otterbein.

What I wish was different

I was an administative aide, so I did a lot of paperwork. I wish I was a clinic aide where I would be on the floor helping the patients with their therapies and exercises.


It is important to put yourself out there and gain these experiences early on in your undergraduate career.
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Rehabilitation aide

October 2018 • Westerville, OH

What I liked

I liked working with patients and getting hands on experience in the physical therapy field

What I wish was different

The pay is not good


It’s a good experience if you need shadowing hours for your physical therapy grad school application. It’s better than an internship because you get paid.
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Athletico Rehab aide

May 2018 - August 2019 • Lincolnshire, IL

What I liked

I liked how the physical therapist was very welcoming and helped me when I was confused

What I wish was different

I wish I was testing on my knowledge of the skills before I actually started helping the physical therapist


It might be a little hard at first, but once you get used to it, it will be okay
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Physical Therapy Aide

January 2016 - August 2018 • Cary, IL

What I liked

I loved the people I worked with and the overall experience of working in the field I wish to pursue!

What I wish was different

I could keep working there while being at school!


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Rehabilitation Aide

May - August 2018 • Fishers, IN

What I liked

I loved the fact that my job was very similar to what I wanted to do as a career path.

What I wish was different


I would say that prior knowledge to more information in the Physical Therapy world would have benefitted me greatly.
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Clinical Rehabilitation Aide

December 2017 • Bartlett, IL

What I liked

For anyone going into the medical field, this is a perfect job position to get your foot into the door. As a rehab aide at Athletico, you learn about every aspect that goes into running an outpatient physical therapy clinic. You will be educated in everything that goes on in the clinic. Along with learning to work with patients and how treatment works, you are also exposed to the technical aspects of the clinic. What I mean by that is that you will also help the office coordinator with their daily duties, educating you on things such as how insurance policies work in the clinical setting, communicating with physicians offices, and maintaining proper records for patients. I have learned about all the inter workings of a medical clinic in just under 2 years, and I have learned things that could have never been taught in the classroom. If I were to recommend any job to someone who was looking to gain knowledge in the field, I would highly recommend the job position that I currently hold.

What I wish was different

I wish that I had started this job sooner. Many of the concepts I learned in the clinic directly correlated to information I was learning in the classroom. The amazing part of this job is that I can apply what I have learned in the classroom to my duties in the clinic.


If you are looking to get into the medical field, a job like mine is a perfect choice to get hands on knowledge in the field. You get the full spectrum of what goes on in a medical practice daily, and is the perfect thing to give your resume an extra edge when you apply to graduate schools.
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