In the Fall of 1961, The Arc of Livingston-Wyoming became a charter member of NYSARC, Inc., a private, not-for-profit association. NYSARC is currently comprised of 545 chapters serving thousands of New York State residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. From its headquarters in Delmar, NY, NYSARC provides services to individuals and their families through local Chapters within each county of the State.
The Arc of the United States
The Arc of Livingston-Wyoming is a chapter of The Arc of the United States, a 50+ year-old organization formerly known as the Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States. The Arc of the United States is the nation's largest volunteer organization solely devoted to improving the lives of all children and adults with developmental disabilities and their families. The association also fosters research and education regarding the prevention of developmental disabilities in infants and young children.