Allergan, Inc./Abbvie

Manufacturing Technician

June - August 2022 • Branchburg, NJ

What I liked

Strong learning experience in FDA regulation and compliance, as well as aseptic compliance

What I wish was different

Opportunity to work on modified schedule after summer during college


Worthwhile experience that taught me many lessons that I hadn't previously known from university experience
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Engineering Technician IV

May - August 2021 • Cincinnati, OH

What I liked

The thing I loved most about working at AbbVie was the culture on site. Everyone was always really respectful (even to an intern), and were happy to help me integrate into the company. Site leadership was able to receive feedback from employees at every level of the organization. This made it feel like my work had a larger purpose and made me enjoy working there.

What I wish was different

I wish there was other co-ops there on site at the same time that I was. As the only co-op, there was no one close to my age or experience on my site. It would have been nice to both have someone to relate to better at work, and to have someone to compare myself to. Though I received helpful feedback from my supervisor during our weekly meetings, it would have been great to have someone to directly compare myself to.


For this experience, you really have to be okay with "knowing nothing." Oftentimes in engineering, people can refer back to their experience and education to build off of their knowledge base. However, with this job, the vocabulary learning curve combined with the variety of types of work you will be doing means that there is a lot of new information that comes quickly, and it will probably be very different than any work you have previously done.
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Research and Development Intern

June - August 2019 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

I loved working with the team and the research project I was assigned to complete. It was a great experience and I learned so much!

What I wish was different

I think I just wish it had been longer so I could apply the data I collected to other projects.


Always put yourself out there and ask for more tasks! They like to see that you are motivated and not only doing what is assigned. Go above and beyond!
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Regulatory Affairs Intern

June - August 2020 • Chicago, IL

What I liked

I got the opportunity to work with the Regulatory Affairs (Chemistry, Manufacturing, and Controls) team at AbbVie Inc through their Experiential Internship Program. The team's work focuses on compiling and approving regulatory submissions related to the manufacturing information of AbbVie drugs and treatments, to make sure that they are safe and effective to be delivered into markets for patients.

What I wish was different


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January 2015 - September 2019 • Chicago, IL

What I liked


What I wish was different

Informed consent


Allergan used Biocell Breast Implants which have a known demographic for lymphoma and they continued to use the textured implants despite the knowledge. They did not set up the registry for the implants nor did they do informed consent as was instructed by the FDA in 2011. This is not an ethical company.
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Talent Acquisition Intern

June - August 2019 • Madison, NJ

What I liked

I loved the option to explore within the company and learn about different aspects of Human Resources. They really encouraged going outside your comfort zone and taking on a variety of projects.

What I wish was different



Stay on your toes and seek out opportunities, don't wait for everything to come to you.
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Biological Sciences Intern - Research

June - September 2017 • Irvine, CA

What I liked

A main project was given to me at the beginning of the summer, and I had the opportunity to help determine the experiment design and present the findings to the rest of the group. Furthermore, all of my coworkers went out of their way to expose me to the work they were doing.

What I wish was different

I wish I had been able to progress further in the project, but unfortunately progress usually occurs slowly. However, I was still able to discover meaningful conclusions by the end of the internship.


Asking questions is important, but it is better to analyze the results of your data and present it to your boss instead of asking what the data means.
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