Allendale Association

Mental Health Specialist

May - September 2019 • Lake Villa, IL

What I liked

My experience at Allendale allowed me to interact with various populations of children who have experienced unimaginable traumatic experiences from birth and many still experience the trauma today. Even though I was only there for a little while, I truly felt I was making a tiny difference in their lives by showing care, support, nurturing, and being an advocate. Most days were extremely hard but there were numerous times the kid's personalities shown through their darkness and I had the chance to see them simply be a kid.

What I wish was different


My advice is to be consistent in everything you do, the kids pick up on favoritism and when people are being unfair. Never take the behavior personally, they have been severely traumatized and they are just reenacting their trauma. They truly are good kids and sometimes the ones who show the least amount of love need it more than anything.
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