Advance Testing Company, Inc.

Engineer technician

May 2021 - August 2022 • Campbell Hall, NY

What I liked

You are on different job every day

What I wish was different

I wish it was only one duty you were doing in the job


Just make sure you are asked your foreman or inspector anything before you do it let them know first
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Engineering Technician

April - December 2021 • Campbell Hall, NY

What I liked

The experience of a lifetime. The company provides housing, multiple certifications, and reimbursed mileage. Hands-on industry experience. With this company, you aren't just a number.

What I wish was different

Closer to home


Absorb as much as you can and be diverse.
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Engineering Technician Co-Op

February - August 2019 • Campbell Hall, NY

What I liked

Travel, Doing each part of Asphalt (field and plant), differing locations kept me sharp. Got to be in NY, CT, and a bit of NJ.

What I wish was different

Unpredictable hours due to rain (cannot work during a storm); translates to work lost.


Be prepared and flexible. Have spare ride if possible. May go from day to night in 24hr.
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Enginnering technician

May - December 2019 • Campbell Hall, NY

What I liked

Great opportunity to to be on the job site and experience the work first hand. Supervisors are always very helpful. The chance to work with and learn from highly experienced industry professionals is awesome as well.

What I wish was different

Perhaps a little more one on one training at the beginning would have been nice.


Be prepared to work long hours and crazy shifts as that is how construction will always be. Also pay attention to the job site and the people who have been at it a long time as watching them can teach a lot.
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Civil Engineering Technician Intern

May 2018 • Campbell Hall, NY

What I liked

Learning the aspects of construction and all of the variables that come along with it that you don’t learn in a classroom

What I wish was different


Critical thinking is essential because anything can occur that can throw the whole project off.
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Civil Engineering Technician

May - September 2018 • Campbell Hall, NY

What I liked

Field experience, location.

What I wish was different

Need better management and scheduling .


Its an opportunity to learn, nothing more.
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Engineering technician

May 2017 - August 2018 • Washingtonville, NY

What I liked

Close to home

What I wish was different

More in-depth projects


Pick up trucks are very useful for this internship
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Field Technician

May - December 2016 • New Haven, CT

What I liked

Meeting new people on work sites and seeing the process of the work cycle

What I wish was different

The management


Talk to people on the work sites and there might be another internship lined up in the future
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