Administrative Office of the Courts New Mexico

About Administrative Office of the Courts New Mexico

The Administrative Office of the Courts exists to enable the courts of New Mexico to accomplish their mission through:
Ensuring that the courts have adequate, equitably distributed resources
Ensuring that the courts have and use current technology
Providing a fair and equitable statewide human resources system
Developing and implementing improved court processes and supporting courts in their use
Collecting and providing information on and for the courts
managing and accounting for the collection of revenue
Ensuring sound financial, budgeting and procurement practices in the management of court resources
Providing administrative support for the magistrate courts
Maintaining liaison with the legislative and executive branches of state government


Technical Writer Intern

June 2019 - August 2019 Albuquerque, NM
“I enjoyed the office environment and challenging tasks to complete including creating online forms and attending several Access to Justice Commission meetings.”
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