Clinical Psychologist (Mental Health Unit Psychologist)
Serves as the Mental Health Unit Psychologist for the Federal Medical Center (FMC), Devens, Massachusetts and is under the supervision of the Chief, Psychology Services.
Provides services for inpatient/outpatient medical, surgical, psychiatric, and chemically dependent patients. The population includes a wide range of psychological disorders including Schizophrenic Disorder, Paranoid Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Affective disorders, Dissociative disorders, and major Personality Disorders such as Borderline, Antisocial, and Narcissistic Disturbance.
Responsible for assessing the mental health, educational, vocational, and rehabilitation needs of a wide variety of severely ill psychiatric inpatients.
Along with all other correctional institution employees, incumbent is charged with responsibility for maintaining security of the institution. The staff's correctional responsibilities precede all others required by this position and are performed on a regular and recurring basis.