Mentor Program Coordinator (FAI)
Primarily responsible for overseeing the mentor program, matching inmate participants in a faith-based or secular mentor program with a community mentor or team of mentors at or near their release destination. The incumbent works closely with program staff, Reentry Affairs Coordinators (RAC), and other facility staff to match inmates and mentors, track progress, provide and facilitate mentor training for volunteers, inmates and staff, and coordinate program logistics.
Provides training and support for staff, volunteers, contractors, and inmates involved in mentor programs offered by all institution departments. In cooperation and collaboration with the RAC, the incumbent develops working relationships with the USPS, RRCs, and faith-based and community organizations. The relationships established with these entities will be at the level of those staff who work directly with the inmates to foster effective communication of program goals and objectives. Establishing and maintaining these outside community networks is critical to achieving the goal of successful community reentry for incarcerated individuals.
Along with all other correctional institution employees, incumbent is charged with responsibility for maintaining security of the institution. The staff correctional responsibilities precede all others required by this position and are performed on a regular and recurring basis.