Environmental Analyst-Septic Program Coordinator
The incumbent will provide overall coordination and management of a program that provides critical funding to New York State counties to assist homeowners with replacing inadequate septic systems that impair water quality. Funded by EPA’s Long Island Sound Office (LISO) Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) pass-through funds, the program will supplement state and county funding to support additional Innovative Alternative On-Site Individual Wastewater Systems (I/A OWTS) systems in Nassau and Suffolk counties, which discharge into the Long Island Sound watershed. The incumbent will oversee the maintenance of contracts and contract documents with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) Division of Water (DOW), Nassau and Suffolk counties, review reimbursement requests from the counties, prepare quarterly invoices to NYSDEC, and compile data to support program evaluation and meet reporting requirements. The incumbent will also assist with outreach and communication efforts in conjunction with the counties to educate the public about the program.
- Assist in the development, and maintenance of contracts with Nassau and Suffolk counties, including: the development of contract documents outlining the requirements and responsibilities of the parties (IEC and Nassau County; IEC and Suffolk County), in consultation with the Executive Director, Commission counsel and NYSDEC, as appropriate.
- Manage portfolio of contracts and agreements under LISO (BIL) funded projects. Assist the Executive Director with the management of awards, subawards, procurement contracts, and amendments.
- Establish and complete procurement processes including the review of reimbursement requests from Nassau and Suffolk counties
- Prepare quarterly invoices to NYSDEC for IEC staff time required to administer the program. Process quarterly payment requests to replenish funds utilized to reimburse Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
- Assist with data compilation to support program evaluation and reporting, in conjunction with Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Data sources will include, but not be limited to: geo-referenced data to ensure proposed septic replacements are within the LIS watershed as required by LISO program funds, and metrics, such as climate and community vulnerability to ensure environmental justice goals of BIL funding are met, as applicable.
- Complete periodic progress reports, as required, and in accordance with prescribed progress report format.
- Provide contract management and fiscal support of the implementation of Bipartisan Infrastructure Lab (BIL)-funded septic replacement
- In conjunction with the respective county (i.e., Suffolk or Nassau), assist with education, outreach and communication materials and events. Audiences and partners may include DEC staff, state agencies, EPA (including LISS Management Committee and relevant workgroups), tribal nation representatives, and the public in Nassau County, New York and Suffolk County, New York.
- Compile data provided by Nassau and Suffolk counties.
- Complete any additional tracking and reporting, as necessary.
- Provide intra- and inter-agency Coordination, including, working with the NYSDEC Division of Water, Nassau and Suffolk Counties, and divisions or agencies, as appropriate.
- Assist in the preparation and amendment of Federal grant documents, as requested by NYSDEC DOW, including: developing portions of application and budget.
- Assist with reporting requirements related to grants, contracts and agreements including semiannual reports, annual MBE/WBE utilization, financial reports.
- Follow-up with NYSDEC, Nassau County and Suffolk County regarding the status of invoice payments.
- Insurance management: review, maintain and provide insurance certificates as required by state and county contracts.
- Assist with other projects as assigned and as time allows.