Software Engineer
We are not currently hiring, but we’re building a community of talented professionals who believe that the code you write every day speaks louder than traditional interview questions.
Our platform lets you verify and showcase your real skills to prospective employers. If you share our philosophy and want a profile that truly reflects your capabilities, please click the link below to create your profile. (Sample Profile)
Why trust modelteam profile? We tested our models on approximately 10,000 open source contributors to ensure accuracy. And if you’re not satisfied with your profile’s output, you don’t have to share it.
Once your profile is complete - an investment of less than 15 mins - you'll have a reusable, verified showcase of your skills that you can share with hundreds of hiring teams. Instead of rewriting your resume for every opportunity, this one-time setup streamlines your job search.
Plus, if your skills match our future needs when we start hiring, we’ll be sure to reach out. Thank you for your time, and best of luck with your job search!