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TWC Intern - Human Resources

Earn, learn and make a diff erence. The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) ishiring two paid Human Resources Interns.
Where We’re Located:
These full-ti me internships are based in our headquarters, just north of theTexas State Capitol in Austi n.
What You’ll Do:
You’ll be an important part of the fast-paced HR team, assisti ng withonboarding, problem solving, special projects and assignments.
We prideourselves on assigning our interns meaningful work in a positi ve culture.Previous interns share their experiences here.
What You’ll Earn:
A full-ti me internship pays $2,850.00 a month and interns will earn some statebenefi ts. This includes free parking.
What You’ll Learn:
This is a great internship for students looking to get real-world experience at agreat state agency with a noble public service mission. You will learn about allareas of HR as well as the many programs championed by TWC.
What You Need to Get Hired:·
Demonstrated customer service and interpersonal skills.·
Ability to pivot quickly throughout the day to prioriti ze tasks andassignments.·
Clear writi ng and communicati on skills, with a strong att enti on to detail.·
Preference given to former foster youths.
Where to apply:
Submit a resume via the Texas Internship Challenge website
The deadline for internship applicati ons will be
Friday, March 14
Top candidate interviews will be conducted by
Friday, April 18
Hiring manager decisions will be made by
Friday, April 25
The summer internships will start on
May 27
and end around
August 22
TWC is not considering applicati ons from individuals who requires sponsorshipfor an employment visa, including those currently on student or postgraduatevisas
A positi on uti lizing this classifi cati on will be designated as security sensiti veaccording to the Texas Labor Code, Secti on 301.042