Spain: Media Ministry-Camera Operator
Our Media Center in Spain is a multinational team that uses creative media to guide North Africans and Spaniards toward abundant life in thriving communities of believers. Every day, our media ministry reaches the unreached with the gospel, reaching places where there are few or no missionaries. Of the millions that live in our target area, the population of gospel-believing Christians is less than 1.0%. Media ministry makes spreading the gospel possible. Avant Ministries is seeking a camera operator to work in our media center in Spain. A camera operator will help produce TV shows, short films, videos, and more, all with the goal of putting biblical materials at the fingertips of unreached people.
Avant Ministries is an interdenominational, multinational missionary sending organization focuses on planting and developing churches in the unreached areas of the world. Avant defines unreached as places where less than two percent of the population is evangelical Christian. We train, send, and serve missionaries in 50 countries globally.
More than 2 billion people still need to hear the gospel! Avant is on a mission to reach them. Will you join us?
Applicants must agree with Avant's Statement of Faith and must be at least 18 years old.