The Culture Project Missionary
Our missionaries are sent to proclaim the messages of human dignity, identity, and self-worth, inviting young people to live virtuously and be fully alive.
Our missionaries commit to a 13 month program, where after intentional formation, are placed on a team in a specific U.S. diocese, where they live, pray, and serve the local community.
They deliver presentations on human dignity, sexual integrity, and social media to young people in schools, conferences, and parishes, while also engaging culture through friendship and conversation.
We speak into the deepest places of hurt in today’s youth, offering them the message of God’s mercy, an alternative to the culture’s way, and freedom in Christ from addictions, isolation, and the culture of death. Our mission isn’t a one-time encounter; our teams engage with the same teens and young adults multiple times throughout the year, meeting them where they are and offering hope to choose a life of love.
Commitment: June 2025-June 2026; all are invited to a simple re-application process to serve for a subsequent year following.
- College graduates are invited to apply, as well as those discerning a gap year within college.
- Looking for young adults passionate about St. JP II's Theology of the Body and the Church's teachings on the dignity of life
- Previous public speaking experience is not required; our formation process trains and prepares missionaries for all public speaking.
- Need to commit to our 4 pillars: Formation, Community Life, Prayer (daily mass + holy hour), and Outreach.