Mobile App Design / Testing (Spring & Summer Internships)
Our internships were ranked #6 in the nation by CollegeVine.com
- Must have an iPhone
- Minor in Psychology very helpful
- You will be responsible for testing our apps functionality on your iPhone using Apple's TestFlight (we will show you how to do this)
- You will use Skype for day-to-day communication. In addition, we have weekly Zoom calls. Friday at 6pm EST, Sunday 6pm EDT, and Wednesday at 7:30pm EDT. (Note; these times may be changed)
What to expect with this internship
- Your primary responsibility will be to test the app every time we push a new version to TestFlight (about every two weeks)
- You will gain first-hand experience helping us research, design and build new features, as well as, improving existing features.
- If your internship with us is successful - we write GREAT reference letters if you should want one
- We are able to grant CPT for international students over the summer
- We are also able to grant 12 month OPT for students that have just graduated
Our mission is to find a mobile solution that actually helps solve the problem of increasing anxiety while at the same time building more resilient friendships in teens worldwide.
YesTech, Corp. is working with the National Science Foundation under the iCAP program. We have been tasked with building a mobile application to help reduce anxiety and build happier, more resilient friendships in teens worldwide.
Let's Talk
Shoot us a cover letter and resume here on Handshake