Grind Athletics - Sports Heat Matrix Map Analytics
Company Overview
Grind Athletics is a comprehensive athlete development and analytics platform that empowers athletes, coaches, and recruiters by providing real-time data and insights. The platform focuses on tracking and improving athletic performance and character development, ensuring that athletes not only excel in their sport but also develop the attributes that matter to recruiters.
Project Description
Students on this project will create an innovative heat matrix map in sports analytics. This project involves using Tableau to build a dashboard that compares high school stats of aspiring athletes with those of current collegiate players, starting with Utah’s 13 universities and 5 key sports metrics. This cutting-edge tool will help shape the future of athlete development!
The specific project deliverables are as follow:
•Develop a Heat Matrix Map: Build a Tableau-based visualization tool comparing high school stats of aspiring athletes with current collegiate athletes across Utah’s 13 universities and 5 key sports metrics.
•Data Collection & Analysis: Gather and analyze historical and current performance data to create actionable insights for athletes and their families aiming for collegiate and professional levels.
•Provide Real-World Analytics Experience: Collaborate with Grind Athletics mentors to apply sports analytics expertise, enhancing skill sets in data visualization and comparative analysis.