Information Desk Team Member
Position Title: Information Desk Team Member
REQUIRED Hours/Week: MUST work a minimum of 10 hours per week
REQUIRED Availability Hours/Week: MUST have a minimum of 12 hours of availability per week (15 hours preferred).
**For International Students – this means any second on-campus position could not require more than 7 hours a week if hired for this position. Please consider this before you apply for this job.
Organization: Division of Student Affairs
Department/Office: Campus Center
Hourly Wage: $10.75
Supervisor: Services Specialist
**Federal Work-Study Students Preferred
General Purpose:
The Information Desk team provides information about the Campus Center facility, building tenants and their services, campus events, the general IUI campus, and the surrounding Indianapolis community. They also serve as the desk attendants in and manage the upkeep and maintenance of the Campus Center Information Desk and the information tables. This position requires a great deal of interaction with clients and guests, the physical ability to complete furniture setups, and the capability to adapt to a fast paced and versatile role.
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
Customer Relations
● Provide friendly and courteous customer service to all guests and clients in the building including providing general information, directions, resource material, and other assistance as requested.
● Maintain a general mastery of the services provided by CCSE, Campus Center tenants, general campus services, office locations, campus events, and general campus services and information.
Facility Support
● Maintain cleanliness and organization of the Information Desk and the immediate surrounding area.
● Manage Campus Center information tables by providing assistance with setup, tear down, and communicating with clients about related policies and procedures.
● Facilitate the processes for Campus Center lost and found and donations.
● Complete all daily log forms, reports, and other paperwork throughout the shift
● Assist with event setup for the Campus Center as needed.
● Communicate with the Operations and Building Manager teams on behalf of clients arriving for events and reservations.
● Staff the front desk in the Campus Center office suite
General Responsibilities
● Establish and maintain an understanding of the policies and procedures outlined in the Campus Center Building Manual and Student Team Member Manual.
● Attend all scheduled area team and all-team meetings (typically 4-6 meetings per semester), and training sessions.
● Adhere to the established dress code (team members are provided a polo and a fleece jacket).
● Provide assistance in other work areas as needed
● Assist with the creation of digital or written resources relevant to the effective operation of the Information Desk area and/or Campus Center social media initiatives.
● Other duties as assigned.
Minimum Qualifications:
Education and Experience:
● Candidates must have at least a 2.0 cumulative IUI GPA and be in judicial good standing at the time of application
● Candidates and team members must be enrolled at IUI to be hired and must maintain enrollment during employment.
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
● Maintain an understanding of the Campus Center Policy Manual and the Student Team Member Manual
● Ability to make independent decisions to guide projects to completion
● Ability to identify program areas to be assessed
● Ability to work with minimal supervision
● Ability to move and setup furniture (up to 50lbs) and technology equipment as needed
● Skills in delivering exemplary customer service
● Strong time management and interpersonal skills
● Skill in collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing information into written and verbal formats
● Skill in applying concepts and knowledge to solve complex problems
● Skill in communicating information to diverse constituents using an educational approach
Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Gained in this Role:
As a result of employment, the team member will be able to demonstrate each of the IUI Profiles of Learning for Undergraduate Success (PLUS). Below are specific sample learning outcomes based on the Profiles.
Profile 1: Communicator
The IUI Student conveys ideas effectively and ethically in oral, written, and visual forms across public, private, interpersonal, and team settings, using face-to-face and mediated channels. Communicators are mindful of themselves and others, listen, observe, and read thoughtfully, ask questions, evaluate information critically, create messages that demonstrate awareness of diverse audiences, and collaborate with others and across cultures to build relationships. Information Desk team members display qualities of a Communicator by/through:
● Daily interaction with clients, faculty, staff, students, and guests utilizing the Campus Center.
● Provide clear and distinct directions to clients, faculty, staff, students, and guests utilizing the Campus Center.
● Interpret the needs and wants of clients, faculty, staff, students, and guests utilizing the Campus Center in person or over the phone.
● Provide friendly and courteous customer service to all guests and clients in the building including providing general information, directions, resource material, and other assistance as requested
● Communicate with the Operations and Building Manager teams on behalf of clients arriving for events and reservations
Profile 2: Problem Solver
The IUI Student works individually and with others to collect, analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information to implement innovative solutions to challenging local and global problems. Information Desk team members display qualities of a Problem Solver by/through:
● Being resourceful when providing answers to challenging questions pertaining to IUPUI and the Indianapolis area.
● Challenging oneself to find new and innovative ways to improve their daily work flow.
● Consulting with other staff members to handle any challenges that may arise on shift
● Utilizing resources to gather information needed to produce projects requested by the department.
Profile 3: Innovator
The IUI Student builds on experiences and disciplinary expertise to approach new situations and circumstances in original ways, is willing to take risks with ideas, and pose solutions. Innovators are original in their thoughts and ask others to view a situation or practice in a new way. Innovators are good decision makers, can create a plan to achieve their goals, and can carry out that plan to its completion. Innovators use their knowledge and skills to address complex problems in order to make a difference in the civic life of communities, and to address the world’s most pressing and enduring issues. Information Desk team members demonstrate qualities of an Innovator by/through:
● Recognizing common questions and preparing for them.
● Adapting to new situations that are presented on a daily basis
● Working under minimal supervision
Profile 4: Community Contributor
The IUI Student is an active and valued contributor on the campus and in communities locally and globally. They are personally responsible, self-aware, civically engaged, and they look outward to understand the needs of the society and their environment. They are socially responsible, ethically oriented, and actively engaged in the work of building strong and inclusive communities, both local and global. Information Desk team members display qualities of a Community Contributor by/through:
● Provide information for community resources for Campus Center guests
● Cultivate meaningful relationships with fellow staff, students, and Campus Center guests
● Increase cultural awareness through interaction with a diverse campus community
● Develop complex collaborative skills by working indirectly to complete projects with other teams in the division.