Biological Science Technician
Biological Science Technician (Plants), New River Gorge National Park and Preserve,
Glen Jean, WV
See vacancy posting for full requirements and to apply USAJOBS - Job Announcement
As a Biological Science Technician (Plants), you will work for the Natural Resource Management Team at New River Gorge National River, Gauley River National Recreation Area, and Bluestone National Scenic River, with a duty station in Glen Jean, WV. Your primary role involves assisting with programs in forest health, vegetation ecology, rare plants, and integrated pest management.
- Conducts field surveys and assessments of rare plant populations, nonnative invasive plant infestations, and plant communities.
- Controls nonnative invasive plants using integrated pest management methods such as manual hand digging/pulling, mowing, and spraying herbicides. Assists with monitoring effectiveness of treatments
- Controls invasive insects, such as hemlock woolly adelgid, using chemical and biological control methods. Monitors forest pest population levels and their impacts on forest health
- Assists with restoration efforts of rare plant species and habitats as well as degraded lands. Collects native seeds for propagation and plant trees, shrubs, and other native plants
- Collect and enter field data, prepare reports, and summarize findings.