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Senior Civil Engineer

The Senior Civil Engineer classification is used in the following five City of Long Beach departments: Airport, Community Development, Harbor, Public Works, and Utilities.  Look at examples of how the position is used in various departments. (click here)




Under direction, supervises and coordinates plan review activities; design management, program/project management, and/or construction management of a wide variety of multiple municipal, harbor, airport, gas, water and wastewater engineering and/or public and private development and building projects; performs, formulates, and coordinates work assignments for the review of plans, designs, estimates, and reports regarding surveys, inspections, soils, and geology; supervises the preparation of plans, specifications, the compilation of estimates and contract terms from an engineering standpoint; performs difficult structural and architectural plan check for compliance with building code requirements, City ordinances, and State/Federal statues/laws; performs the state's accessibility compliance review for building projects; leads, coordinates and manages multi-disciplinary teams of City and/or consultant staff to deliver complex projects in a collaborative environment; performs project reviews and permitting processes; performs special studies and prepares comprehensive reports; develops, manages, and tracks cost estimates, budgets and schedules for assigned projects; evaluates and manages project risks; performs claims analysis; administers consultant contracts; makes presentations to governmental bodies and citizen groups; oversees subdivision activities; may oversee the management of multiple projects, including scope, schedule, and budget definition; manages project execution with multiple stakeholders; procures, negotiates and manages professional services contracts; performs project management including procurement, negotiation budgeting, scheduling, interfacing with regulatory agencies and other stakeholders, and monitoring and evaluating the work of consultants performing engineering, design and construction management work; manages and administers construction contracts, including managing requests for information and submittals, analyzing and negotiating contract changes, evaluating claims and reviewing and processing progress payments; acts as assistant to the Division/Section Head when required; performs other related duties as required.

Some departments may require the following duties to be performed as well: Interview and recommend employees for hire; prepare board or City Council memoranda; perform constructability reviews, pre-construction planning and coordination; chair pre-construction and weekly progress meetings and prepare meeting minutes.




Registration as a Professional Civil Engineer in the State of California (proof required) *.  



A minimum of five years, of paid, full-time equivalent, and relevant** experience. Two years of the required experience must have been gained in a related position while registered as a Civil Engineer.  
*Proof of required documents, such as degree or transcripts, must be uploaded to the online application at the time of filing. Any proofs submitted must contain either the applicant's name or other identifying characteristics on the form. Degrees must indicate the field of study and transcripts must indicate the field of study and degree conferred date. Candidates who possess degrees from colleges or universities from outside the United States must attach proof of educational equivalence at the time of filing.
If an applicant has a question regarding the licensing process, please contact the Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists at 866-780-5370 or (916) 999-3600. The web address is 
 **Relevant experience such as experience involving primary responsibility for preparation or review and approval of standards, designs, plans, specifications, and cost estimates of civil engineering, project management, construction management, or structural engineering projects.


Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: 

  • Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing.
  • Some positions require the ability to respond to emergency calls in person or by telephone within a 30-minute timeframe.

A valid driver's license will be required at the time of selection.



For a vacancy in the Water Department, Treatment Operator 2 (or higher) and Distribution Operator 2 (or higher) certifications from the State Water Resources Control Board are desired. 


The Harbor Department desires Certified Construction Manager (CCM) certification, registration as a Project Management Professional (PMP), and/or Envision Sustainability Professional (ENV SP). 


The Public Works Department desires Certification in Traffic Engineering (e.g., Professional Traffic Operations Engineer [PTOE]), Traffic Engineer License (TE), Qualified SWPPP Practitioner/Developer (QSP/QSD), Certification in Stormwater Management (e.g., Certified Professional in Stormwater Quality [CPSWQ]), and/or Certification in Accessibility Compliance (e.g., Certified Access Specialist [CASp]). 


Experience coordinating transportation, bridge, stormwater, and traffic engineering projects is desired for some positions.