Research Staff Assistant
TITLE: Research Staff Assistant
GRADE: proposed R3
The laboratory of Dr. Richard Axel at the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute has an open full-time position for a Research Staff Assistant (lab technician). The Axel lab has expanded its research program to investigate how cuttlefish (a cephalopod similar to octopus) dynamically camouflage to their surroundings. Cuttlefish are able to camouflage within milliseconds by altering the color, pattern, and texture of their skin, which is controlled by the brain. The Axel lab wishes to understand how cuttlefish create an internal representation of the visual world in the brain, and then transform this representation into an approximation of the visual world on the skin. The group is developing molecular tools, conducting behavioral experiments, and performing advanced neural imaging.
The research assistant will work closely with the postdoctoral fellow leading this project, and will have the opportunity to participate in the vibrant intellectual community of the Axel laboratory located in the state-of-the-art Jerome L. Greene Science Center on Columbia’s Manhattanville campus. We seek highly motivated, skilled, and dynamic individuals who are enthusiastic about a career in science. This is a full-time position.
Responsibilities for this position may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Microinjection of cuttlefish embryos
- Molecular cloning and genotyping
- Performing survival and non-survival surgeries
- Building and conducting behavioral experiments
- Dissecting, fixing and staining brain tissue
- Analyzing behavioral data using Python programming
- Participating in laboratory meetings and planning sessions
- Reading applicable literature
- Assisting with administrative and documentation tasks related to experiments
A bachelor's degree in neuroscience, biology, or another related area of science is required.
The ideal candidate will be able to work independently with attention to detail and be comfortable handling aquatic animals. They must be eager to learn and flexible, as well as comfortable dealing with uncertainty. Successful candidates will be extremely reliable and responsible, exhibit a willingness to learn new techniques and function in a fast-paced and changing work environment, possess strong organizational skills, keep excellent notes, and show sound judgment. Furthermore, we seek an enthusiastic team member with a collaborative style that fosters teamwork and cooperation, as well as the ability to work independently within a diverse and dynamic team environment. Anticipated and recent graduates from backgrounds underrepresented in science are encouraged to apply.
Experience performing micromanipulations such as dissections, surgeries and/or embryo microinjections.