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Victim Advocate Intern

Victim advocates are trained to support all victims of crime. They are essential in offering emotional support, providing victims’ with rights information, referrals in needed resources within the community and assistance in completing crime victim related forms. Our advocates accompany victims of crime and their family members through the criminal justice proceedings. Additionally, they work with other local agencies and organizations to get referral information to the victims we serve.

Duties vary according to which department the student is assigned. Potential duties are as follows:

Assist Victim Advocates

  • Attend meetings and court proceedings while working with victims and family members
  • Provide support, information, and referrals to victims and family members
  • Accompany victims and family members to court or while waiting to testify
  • Observation of all types of court hearings: Arraignments, Bond Hearings, Guilty Pleas, Trials, Sentencings, Probation Violation Hearings

Researching Victim Information on Aged Cases for Parole/Probation Hearings

  • Access confidential computer systems
  • Review aged files
  • Determine current victim and relative information

Researching Current Case Files

  • Review case files and compile case summaries

Docket Preparation

  • Calling Victims and relatives to keep them informed of updates to the case that include: Court dates, Plea Hearings, etc.
  • Prepare/Mail letters to victims and relatives
  • Encouraging prosecution by providing support and referrals
  • Contacting victims for restitution information
  • Meeting victims in court

Computer & Confidential System(s) Entries and Research

  • Updating information in confidential computer system(s)
  • Checking the status of defendants' custody
  • Updating lead advocates on court dates

Administrative Routines

  • Copying information,
  • Compiling victim packets
  • Keeping Intern/Volunteer Hours Log
  • Filing and Organization

All interested parties must submit to/pass a intern/volunteer application and agree to a criminal background check. Internships are non-paid positions; college credit or volunteer/internship hours can be arranged through your school or professor. Flexible schedules available 8:30-5:00, Monday through Friday. Positions needed for downtown Kansas City and Independence.


Minimum Qualifications

Must submit to/pass pre-employment background check

High School Diploma or its equivalent