Lead Pastor
Overview: First and foremost, we seek a Pastor who is spiritually mature, aware of their own brokenness, and who deeply understands the Gospel message and the unwavering love of Christ in their life. We desire someone who can minister with humility and an abundance of grace, embracing the theological and cultural diversity of our congregation as a reflection of the kingdom of God. Additionally, we seek a Pastor who is open to the work of the Holy Spirit, actively listening for God’s voice through Scripture, prayer, and fellowship with other believers. Finally, we are seeking a gifted preacher and teacher of the Word, consistently able to lead people to the Cross and convey the story of God’s redemptive love through Christ as revealed in Scripture.
Our church is affiliated with ECO (A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians), whose mission is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. Any pastor we call must affirm the ECO Essential Tenets and become ordained as a pastor under the ECO.
Lead Pastor
General Requirements: As an employee of Christ Presbyterian Church, the person holding this position is expected to:
- Affirm the inerrant Word of God and be a believer in Jesus Christ, having received Him as Savior and Lord.
- Affirm the Trinity consisting of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- Pursue a lifestyle that is consistent with Holy Scripture.
- Be an active supporter of the ECO mission for Christ Presbyterian to be a flourishing church that makes disciples of Jesus Christ.
Core Responsibilities: The pastor is Christ's undershepherd in the congregation and along with the session’s elders is responsible for leading and governing the congregation.
Coordination of public worship
- Administer Baptism and the Lord's Supper.
- Teach and preach the Word.
- Explain the Gospel and invite people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
- Lead prayer and the confession of sin.
- Oversee and coordinate Sunday morning and special worship services.
- Coordinate pulpit supply as needed.
Seeking God
- Study the Word regularly.
- Pray daily.
- Seek and listen to godly counsel.
Building up the Body of Christ
- Encourage the integration of new covenant partners and regular attendees into appropriate activities at Christ Pres.
- Encourage covenant partners and regular attendees to respect and honor individuals with different talents and gifts.
- Encourage activities to foster fellowship among the flock at Christ Pres.
Equipping the saints for the work of ministry
- Provide leadership, encouragement and prayer support for the individuals responsible for the church’s Christian education and other programs.
- Maintain a close working relationship with church employees, elders, and deacons through effective communication, encouragement, and prayer support.
- Encourage individuals to use and develop their gifts for the building of the Kingdom of God.
- Assure that new believers are given adequate instruction and support.
- Arrange for special instruction and training in areas that would benefit the congregation and its ministry.
Ministering to the needs of individual members of the flock
- Pray for the members of the flock.
- Provide pastoral counseling or make appropriate referrals.
- Oversee lay counselors.
- Visit those with special needs.
- Work with the deacons and others as they minister to the sick and those who are in need or experiencing distress.
- Arrange for special instruction and training that will minister to the needs of the congregation.
- Perform weddings and funerals.
Participating in church governance
- Partner with the elders in governing the congregation.
- Participate in Presbytery meetings.
- Moderate Session and congregational meetings or appoint a moderator pro tem.
- Administer church discipline in accordance with Session and denominational policies.
Encouraging ministry beyond the confines of the congregation
- Pray for the ECO.
- Pray for missionaries and ministry partners.
- Encourage and support other pastors and complementary ministries.
Engaging in self-care activities that provide for growth spiritually, psychologically, relationally, and educationally
- Arrange for supply preaching for up to approximately 20% of Sundays to allow personal time to function optimally.
- Plan and engage in regular sabbaticals when it fits life circumstances at least every ten years.
- Delegate stressful duties that may be competently performed by others within the congregation.
- Seek support within the congregation, among pastors in the Mission Affinity Group, and among other pastors and people who can provide personal and professional support.
- Take advantage of approved continuing education activities that are funded by the church to remain current in pastoral and theological knowledge and skills.
- Be a part of a Pastor Covenant Group as required by ECO.
Full-time Commitment: Without the express consent of the Session, the pastor shall not commit to significant outside activities that might prevent fulfilling these core responsibilities.
Accountability: Accountable to the Presbytery and the Session through the appointed members of the Personnel Committee.
Compensation: Compensation for our Lead Pastor is competitive and aligned with the salary and housing allowances for churches of similar size, as outlined in the 2023 ECO Church Salary & Sabbatical Report. The overall compensation package will reflect the financial realities of our congregation and our commitment to supporting and caring for the needs of our pastoral leadership. It will also take into account the pastor’s experience, along with regional and national cost-of-living considerations.