Middle School Career and Technical Education Teacher
Job Summary
Classroom teachers create a flexible and supportive education program and class environment favorable to learning and personal growth. The teacher provides instruction at an appropriate grade level while establishing an effective rapport with students as well as parents and staff members. In accordance with each student’s ability, teachers motivate students to develop skills, attitudes, and knowledge needed to provide a good educational foundation. The teacher reports to and is evaluated by the site principal.
This position requires a valid Alaska educator certificate. The number of work days is based upon the AEA negotiated pay scale. Information on the pay scale can be found online on our Labor Relations Department website. This position’s grade level, content area taught, and work site may change dependent upon student enrollment and district staffing needs. Positions that are 0.50 FTE to 1.0 FTE are associated with the Alaska Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS), positions that are 0.40 to 0.49 FTE are associated with the Alaska Employees’ Retirement System (PERS). Positions that are 0.39 FTE or less are not eligible for state retirement benefits.
Job Requirements
The following are required:
- Valid Alaska Initial, Professional, or Master teaching certificate with an endorsement in Vocational Education, Industrial Arts, Industrial Technology or similar OR a valid Alaska Type M Limited Certificate.
- Evidence of content knowledge shown by:
- a posted degree in the content area of this position; or
- a posted minor in the content area of this position; or
- passing Praxis Subject Assessments scores (formerly Praxis II) in the content area of this position; or
- a certificate endorsement in the content area of this position
Essential Job Functions
The responsibilities listed below are representative of the essential functions of this position. The successful candidate:
- Can describe their philosophy of education and demonstrate its relationship to their practice.
- Understands how students learn and develop, and applies that knowledge in their practice.
- Establishes and maintains standards of pupil behavior to achieve an effective learning atmosphere.
- Organizes class time to provide a balanced program of instruction, demonstration, work time and assessment.
- Guides the learning process toward the achievement of curriculum goals and--in harmony with the goals--establishes clear objectives for all lessons, units, projects and the like to communicate these objectives to students.
- Teaches students with respect for their individual and cultural characteristics.
- Knows the teacher's content area and how to teach it.
- Develops lesson plans and instructional material and provides individualized and small group instruction to adapt the curriculum to the needs of pupils.
- Translates lesson plans into developmentally appropriate learning experiences.
- Has the ability to use current technology to enhance instruction.
- Has the ability to use technology for record-keeping and research.
- Applies knowledge of current research and theory to instructional program.
- Facilitates, monitors, and assesses student learning.
- Evaluates pupils' academic and social growth, keeps appropriate records and prepares progress reports.
- Identifies pupil needs and makes appropriate referrals and develops strategies for individual education plans.
- Creates and maintains a learning environment in which all students are actively engaged and contributing members.
- Provides individualized and small group instruction to adapt the curriculum to the needs of the student.
- Creates a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of the students.
- Creates an environment for learning through functional and attractive displays, interest centers, and exhibits of student's work.
- Supervises student environment, students, and volunteers.
- Works as a partner with parents, families, and the community.
- Communicates regularly with parents by means of newsletters, notes, phone calls, conferences, etc.
- Participates in and contributes to the teaching profession.
The Anchorage School District is an equal employment opportunity employer.