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English Teacher, Dual Language 2024-25 - Parrish

Primary Function

Instructs English classes so that students develop skills in reading, writing, spelling, and oral communication.

Responsible to

Building Principal or Designee.

Assigned Responsibilities

  1. Uses a variety of discussion skills to encourage class participation.
  2. Organizes content and skills so that learning objectives are recognizable to the student and other observers.
  3. Identifies students needing remediation for listening, speaking, reading, or writing.
  4. Matches activities and materials to individual and group skills and needs.
  5. Uses planned course statements for the development of composition, oral communication, and/or literature sequences as appropriate in teaching assignment.
  6. Ensures that instructional activities and materials are clearly related to District, school, and department goals and objectives.
  7. Provides instruction based on designated materials.
  8. Establishes and maintains an orderly and supportive classroom environment in which students are actively participating and show respect for one another and for the teacher.
  9. Maximizes time when students are paying attention and working on tasks directly related to the subject matter.
  10. Conducts interesting and well-paced classes using a variety of instructional techniques, strategies, and materials.
  11. Makes sure students understand what to do before undertaking assignments.
  12. Assesses, keeps track of, and provides feedback promptly and often to students on their progress and assignments.
  13. Uses a grading system that is consistent, fair, and supportable.
  14. Ensures that materials and equipment are properly used, maintained, and stored, and that inventory records when requested are accurate and current.
  15. Supervises students in out-of-classroom activities as assigned.
  16. Participates cooperatively on school, area, and District-wide activities.
  17. Follows specified standards, policies, and procedures of the building and District.

Additional Responsibilities As Assigned

Competitive Speech

  1. Administers and supervises a comprehensive speech program.
  2. Provides and encourages variant student experiences in speech competition.
  3. Maintains records and plans budget for speech tournaments.


  1. Selects and produces plays suitable for public performance.
  2. Cooperates with others in use of building facilities.
  3. Supervises students during rehearsals and performances.
  4. Maintains records and plans budget for drama activities.


  1. Administers and supervises a comprehensive publication program.
  2. Reviews student materials prior to publication.
  3. Collaborates with others on publication matters of mutual concern.
  4. Maintains records and plans budget for publications.

Written Composition

  1. Provides evidence of student growth in both mechanics and expression.
  2. Varies writing assignments to give students an understanding of different styles and forms.
  3. Encourages development of individual voice and response to varying audiences.
  4. Understands the requirements of the District Measures of Student Learning/Outcome (MSO) in writing.
  5. Participates in scoring of District MSO in writing.


  1. Includes selections from variant ethnic groups.
  2. Adjusts the reading requirements of the literature in relationship to student reading level.
  3. Requires frequent written compositions during the teaching of literature.


  1. Utilizes District adopted instructional materials.
  2. Plans and provides for direct instruction toward mastery of the designated learner objectives for each reading class.
  3. Administers tests to students to determine correct placement, to assess student instructional needs, to assess student mastery of instructional objectives, to determine eligibility for high school graduation, and to determine mastery of the minimum skills objectives in reading.
  4. Supports the concept of minimum skills attainment in reading for all students.
  5. Participates in the continuing development of the MSO Reading Test and the scoring of the MSO Reading Test.
  6. Participates in the continuing development of the secondary reading program.
  7. Seeks out and participates in staff development activities.
  8. Participates in the regularly scheduled meetings with the secondary reading teachers.

Minimum Qualifications

  1. Oregon Teaching Certificate valid for assignment.
  2. Working knowledge of language arts skills at the senior high level.
  3. Speak and write articulately.

Type: Licensed 
FTE: .4
Status: Temporary, until June 13, 2025
Salary is prorated based on FTE: $50,011 – $98,436
Application Procedure: Apply online