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OneHealth+ Market Expansion Strategy for Small and Medium Businesses

Company Overview

OneHealth+ is a cutting-edge digital platform that offers a "healthpass" allowing individuals to pay for their healthcare or someone else's from anywhere in the world. Leveraging blockchain technology, the platform ensures transparency, security, and efficiency in healthcare payments. By removing geographical barriers and providing a secure method of transaction, OneHealth+ is revolutionizing the way healthcare is financed and accessed globally.


Project Description

Students on this project will conduct market research with OneHealth+ to produce a strategy that will inform the company’s growth into the SMB market (small and medium-sized businesses).  The goal of the strategy is to position OneHealth+ as the preferred healthcare payment solution for SMBs, highlighting its unique advantages and addressing the specific needs of this market segment.  The research and suggested strategy would include include:


  • Market Research: identify needs and preferences of SMBs with healthcare payment solutions, analyze competitor offerings and segment the market.
  • Value Proposition Definition: define value proposition for SMBs and highlight key features.
  • Marketing and Outreach Strategies: draft targeted marketing campaigns to raise awareness and interest among SMBs, utilize digital marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, and online advertising, to reach a broader audience and leverage content marketing by creating informative articles, case studies, and testimonials showcasing the benefits of OneHealth+ for SMBs.
  • Partnership and Collaboration: identify potential partnerships with industry associations, business networks, and healthcare providers to increase visibility and credibility, and explore opportunities for co-branded initiatives and joint marketing efforts.


OneHealth+ will utilize outcomes of this project to expand into the SMB market, which presents a significant growth opportunity for OneHealth+. By conducting thorough market research and developing targeted strategies, OneHealth+ can effectively attract and retain SMB customers. This will not only increase the platform's market share but also contribute to the overall goal of making healthcare payments more transparent, secure, and efficient for businesses and individuals alike.