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Technical Associate I, Feng Lab

TECHNICAL ASSOCIATE I, Feng Lab, to join a team studying neurobiological mechanisms of brain disorders that will lead to effective treatment.  Will use a variety of molecular, cellular, biochemical, genetic, imaging, and behavioral approaches to assist graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and research scientists in generating and studying various animal models of neurodevelopmental disorders and psychiatric disorders.  Will also be involved in other aspects of research projects, including data collection, data analysis, project and collaboration management, animal protocol preparation, and manuscript preparation.  


Job Requirements
REQUIRED:  bachelor’s degree in biology or related field; at least two years of research experience; knowledge of and experience with molecular biology techniques, genome editing, and transgenic animal models; training and experience in molecular and cellular methods, genetics, animal surgery, and behavior analysis; self-motivation; and interpersonal and organizational skills.  Job #24087