Oakland Post - Graphic Designer
Designers are responsible for the creation and design of their designated pages in each print issue of The Oakland Post.
As a designer, you must be available to work production days — typically, this will be Mondays and Tuesdays.
You are responsible for the pages the editor-in-chief assigns you for each issue.
It is not your responsibility to take on other editors’ pages unless you are specifically asked to do so.
Communicate with your supervisor effectively.
Proofread the stories on your pages for grammatical and/or stylistic errors.
When you do this, you should also copy the story from SNO and paste it into a Microsoft Word document to spell check it.
Once you’ve done that, you should copy the text from the Word document and paste that onto the page you are creating in InDesign.
Utilize InDesign to ensure that, visually, The Post is in accordance with the fundamentals of design.