Camp Counselor: Theater Technology
Description: A Camp Counselor is a current or recently graduated UNI student who assists a Camp Session Director by mentoring campers, assisting camp activities, and sharing their own personal experiences in theatre tech and as a UNI student. Camp Counselors report to the Camp Session Director. They may be assigned to take attendance, supervise the entire camp group or small groups of campers, or other duties as assigned by the Camp Session Director. Camp Counselors are essential to the success of summer camp. Working as a Camp Counselor should provide the UNI Student with an opportunity to build leadership, teaching, and communication skills, as well as serve the success of the camp.
Camp will run M-F from July 8-12 and July 15-19, 10am-3pm
Essential Duties and Responsibilities:
Before Camp: Meet with the Camp Session Director and assist with pre-camp planning, as needed.
During Camp: Be present during all scheduled camp sessions; lead session activities and other duties as assigned by the Camp Session Director, such as taking attendance, collecting required paperwork, camper management, set-up/clean up or activity supplies, chaperoning campers at lunch/snacks. During times of transition (as campers arrive each morning, on the way to lunch, etc.), camp counselors share positive stories about college experiences (such as what is your major, what do you hope to do when you graduate, how is college a growth experience, or what was your most exciting class and why) and ask campers about their own aspirations and provide encouragement.
After Camp: Limited assistance with clean up, otherwise none.
Essential Skills/Knowledge:
- As determined by the Camp Director, documented experience with the camp session topic/theme and/or expertise in a specific area of the camp session’s content; and/or documented experience serving as a leader for camp aged youth.
- A deep passion for introducing/teaching theatre tech topics to all area youth.
- A demonstrated desire to work with area youth and ability to communicate with youth and adults.
Minimum Qualifications: All Camp Counselors must have earned a high school diploma and be an incoming, current or recently graduated UNI student. Must pass a criminal background check.
Classification and Compensation: Merit temporary or student employment.