Environmental Engineer 9-P11 (Warren District Office-Public Wastewater Unit)
The engineer assists the district supervisor in assuring that proposed treatment facilities for municipal wastewater discharges are designed on a technically correct basis and that municipal dischargers are in compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit requirements and conditions. The engineer also reviews and recommends for approval by the district licensed engineer or district supervisor sanitary sewage construction projects to assure the protection of public health and welfare and prevention of unlawful pollution of the surface waters of the state primarily through administration of the wastewater construction permit program under Part 41, Sewerage Systems, of the Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act, 1994 PA 451, as amended.
The position requires independent judgment to assure that laws and regulations pertaining to water pollution control in the State of Michigan and the programs of the Water Resources Division (WRD) are effectively and uniformly applied to municipal wastewater dischargers within the district. The position also conducts engineering reviews, provides compliance oversight for assigned municipal wastewater dischargers per their NPDES permit requirements, and responds to pollution emergencies in the district.