Bridge Engineering Assistant 1/2/3
Civil engineering graduates with an education and interest in structures have the opportunity to directly apply their knowledge as a member of the DOT&PF Bridge Section. We complete the vast majority of the bridge design and inspection of Alaska's bridges in our office. Successful candidates will have a strong foundation in engineering first principles, structural analysis, and problem solving. Your duties will include analyzing and load rating existing bridges, designing new and rehabilitation bridge projects, bridge inspection, and assisting with bridge construction oversight.
Some advantages of starting your career in the Bridge Section are:
- Preparation for the PE exam – frequent trainings and mentoring towards licensure
- Combination of office and field assignments – all staff complete one or more summer inspection trips throughout the state lasting 1-2 weeks
- Diversity of projects – staff are encouraged to gain experience with all bridge types and aspects of design, including repairs, retrofits, and new design
- Opportunity to spend a summer on a bridge construction project somewhere in the state
- Work/life balance – 37.5-hour work week with paid overtime when needed
- Salary increases occur on a scheduled basis
- Opportunities to be involved with bridge research projects that DOT&PF funds
- Attend and present at professional conferences