Agency: Henry County Health Center
Department name: Internship Opportunities available in various departments within the Health Center
- Nursing
- Public/Rural Health Care
- Marketing
- Child & Family Development
- Health Studies
- Emergency Management
- Environmental/Sanitation
- Customer Service Representatives
Overview of the program:
The Henry County Health Center is an innovative rural local public health agency located in Clinton, Missouri. Henry County has a population of approximately 9,000 and Clinton sits at the junctions of Highways 7, 13 and 52. Kansas City, Springfield and Lake of the Ozarks are just a short distance away. As the seat of Henry County, Clinton is the hub of retail, trade, manufacturing, farming, medical care and other economic sectors in this part of Missouri.
Overview of the internship:
The intern will have the opportunity during the internship period to be involved in a wide array of agency programs, initiatives, collaborative efforts, and events. This internship experience is an excellent opportunity for any student who is self-directed with an interest in community involvement, assessment and/working in local public health or government.
When are these positions offered?
- Start date Flexible, after January 2nd, 2025 (or when your school academic calendar starts)
- End date TBD –Flexible –Hours need to be completed during calendar year 2025
- Internship is "hands on" for 90% and remote 10%--Intern will have to come to Henry County Health Center on campus and remote internship is only available for 30-40 hours of the 300 hour program.
- Hours required (internships are typically 300 hours total) 300 hours depending program of study or TBD. However, the student must attend at a minimum of at least 150 hours to receive stipend if the internship is NOT for a class. If the internship is for a class and class credit the student MUST complete ALL of their internship hours requested by their school. Each Student's situation can be reviewed at time of application/interview.
- Location: On-site Vs Off-site Depending on area—on-site and off-site will be permitted but only very limited hours with Coordinator approval.
- Pay/ Stipend: Yes-Amount $500.00 upon successful/passing completion of total hours.
- Travel? Personal travel to and from the Health Center is the responsibility of intern.
- Transportation – is a car required? No, but interns are expected to perform on-site work at Henry County Health Center in Clinton, MO.
- Housing – No
- Any additional qualifications needed?
- Intern should submit a resume’/CV, letter of interest, and a one-paragraph informational page stating what goals the intern would like to achieve while interning at Henry County Health Center.
Application deadlines: Open until filled.
Contact information: Dana Hall dana.hall@lpha.mo.gov or 660-204-2374