Smart Kids, Inc - Fundraiser Coordinator
Varies – Remotely and In-person
Job Purpose: To assist with the development, planning, and executing of fundraisers throughout the year to support the organization.
Responsibilities: The Fundraiser Coordinator performs a wide range of duties including some or all of the following:
- Works closely with the Executive Director and Board of Director – Fundraiser Lead in assisting with various task: in specific areas (adding information to calendars, helping to create, develop, and executive fundraisers throughout the year. Be the lead volunteer for volunteer. Advertise flyers/social media, and adding fundraisers to website event page).
- Calling corporations/companies for sponsor donations. Maintain contact for contact for vendors and outside parties.
- Organizes scheduled fundraisers/events/activities.
- Instruct volunteers to help setting up and tearing down fundraiser events.
- company events.
- Please be nice, pleasant, and polite to all participants. Assist wherever is needed.
- Previous experience working with children; youth, or in a youth-set environment. Also must have prior tutoring and mentoring experience.
- Must have experience with management, and communication with one or more parties can be detail orientated.
- Students must have received a grade of "C+" or better in the course(s) they are interested in tutoring in (or comparable courses) and should have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
- All Tutor Facilitators must pass a drug test and background check.
- Current college student with 15 hours of college courses.
Job Responsibilities:
- Be the direct line of communication for the Teachers, Student Tutors, and Parents/Guardians. Speak to all parents/guardians about any discussions during the tutoring sessions. If possible, do not let anyone disturb the actual tutoring sessions.
- Tutor Facilitators must agree to abide by all Smart Kids, Inc.’s Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations (please see company handbook). Also, Tutor Facilitators must attend the two-day training orientation before tutoring assignments are assigned.
- You are considered the immediate contact person/onsite manager for the Student Tutors. Answer any questions to the best of your ability that they may have. Be there to assist them while the tutoring sessions take place. Try to resolve any issues that may arise or immediately contact the Program Coordinator for any issues that are beyond your control.
- Oversee, manage, and have direct communication with the Student Tutors before and after every tutoring session.
- See to it that the Student Tutor arrives on time. If there should be an emergency, for example: if the Student Tutor is late or does not show up for the tutoring session, then it is your responsibility to step in and start the tutoring session on time.
- Report all incidents that occur by reporting them to the Program Executive Director and filling out an Accident Form.
- Be sure that all students leave on time. You are not to leave until the student and Student Tutor has left for the session. If a parent/guardian picks up their child, please take six minutes after the tutoring session is over and then contact the Program Executive Director so that they can proceed with the investigation. Make sure that you fill out a Late Pick-Up Form immediately.
- You are responsible for reviewing all logged Community Services Hours for Student Tutors.
- Students agree to abide by all Smart Kids, Inc.’s Policies, Procedures, Rules, and Regulations (please see company handbook). Also, students must attend the two-day training sessions that are usually held at Saint Louis University before tutoring assignments are issued.
Job Format:
- Before any tutoring sessions are to start, you will have to attend a manual Training Session that is held at Saint Louis University, complete a meeting with the Program Executive Director, and finally do a meet and greet with the Student Tutor that you will manage.
- Be sure to have your Smart Kids, Inc. ID Badge on you at all times, especially on school grounds.
- Sign in to the Principal’s Office or Administration to alert them that you are now on school grounds.
- Report to the designated school thirty minutes before the tutoring sessions are to start. Make sure that the tutoring sessions start on time.
- Remain onsite until the entire tutoring session is complete for that day.
- Previous experience working with children; youth, or in a youth-set environment. Also must have prior tutoring and mentoring experience.
- Must have experience with management, communication, and with one or more parties, and can be detailed orientated.
- Students must have received a grade of "C+" or better in the course(s) they are interested in tutoring in (or comparable courses) and should have a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.5.
- All Tutor Facilitators must pass a drug test and background check.
- Must be a current college student with 15 hours of a college course.
- Varies - within the Saint Louis County and Saint Louis City school districts and other community partnership.