Financial Advisor
Financial Advisor-
*Former ATHLETES AND COACHES encouraged to apply* We want the competitive nature, the work ethic as if you were still playing...
Searching for the person whose skills have outgrown their current career, and who desire a sense of purpose and mission in their future.
The focus of our firm, Strategies for Wealth, is delivering comprehensive expertise on Insurance, Investments and Estate Planning. By comprehensive, we mean that we deliver much more than just the hope that the stock market goes up....
This role gives the advisor control over their career (no more concerns about arbitrary corporate layoffs), financial rewards that they've dreamt about, and the satisfaction of impacting people’s lives.
This person must be willing to work hard over the first year as they transition from their prior success.
If you're interested, here's what the first year is all about.
For the entrepreneurial type, this is the stuff of dreams...
· Being excited about building your own client base
· Advising people of various economic backgrounds
· Becoming a prospecting and referral gathering dynamo
· Communicating powerfully with clients so that they live the life they deserve
Realistically, we are looking for someone who would be described as "batteries included” versus “batteries not included". While many people who have joined us have never prospected, that's clearly a plus.
A little about our firm, Strategies for Wealth…
* Founded 88 years ago
* Part of The Guardian Network, Guardian was founded over 150 years ago
* 2019 InvestmentNews Winner of Best Places to Work for Financial Advisors
* 2-time Winner of Crain's Magazine 100 Best Places to Work in NYC
* Our founding partner, Ron Rosbruch, is one of only 53 people in the GAMA International Hall of Fame. FYI, that's really huge in our industry.
* Our approximately 165 advisers have led Guardian Life Insurance in production every year for 15 years
* Our model of coaching and mentoring High Achieving Career Changers has led us to be named a Master Agency by GAMA 14 times...