Outdoor Education Whitewater Coordinator
Assist in the planning, organization, and implementation of outdoor trips, indoor pool sessions and other paddling related events. Coordinate water-based trips for Outdoor Education. Assist in the organization and risk management, and logistics of water-based programming. Create an open and inclusive paddling community.
• Current Kayak Instructor (preferred).
• Outdoor Education Trip Leader.
• Exhibit a passion for improving the water-based programming offered by CC Outdoor Education and contributing to a welcoming and inclusive environment for all participants.
• Must possess a working knowledge of paddle-sports programming, systems, and risk management.
• Reliable, accountable, self-motivated, dependable.
• Enthusiasm and passion for paddle-sports and enabling other to participate in water-based activities.
Essential Job Functions:
• Coordinate water-based trips accessible to all levels including planning and coordinating with outfitters, and certification course instructors.
• Assist in monitoring the safety, accessibility, and logistical details of all water-based trips:
o Propose trips on Summit.
o Participate in approval meetings with tripleaders and staff.
o Assist leaders in organizing any unique trip logistics, including but not limited to gear, lodging,
and transportation.
o Participate in post trip meetings with trip leaders.
• Assist in coordinating ALI courses for the water-based leader tracks.
• Coordinate skill clinics at the pool including scheduling, training and curriculum development for
• Oversee marketing efforts for whitewater trips, events, and pool sessions.
• Be a liaison between full time staff and the student community.
• Broaden the ORC whitewater community at CC by encouraging student leadership and participation.
• Act as the point person to access the personal boating gear and for any ORC whitewater related questions.
• Attend set office hours throughout the week.
• Attend weekly meetings with full time staff supervisor.
• Attend blockly Outdoor Education meetings.
• Check email and Summit account daily.
1) Work Ethic
a. Consistently works energetically to accomplish tasks.
b. Takes responsibility for work that needs to get done.
c. Does the best job possible in all situations.
d. Does not carry out non-work activities during work.
2) Time Management
a. Uses time effectively while at work for maximum productivity.
b. Consistently meets all work deadlines unless unanticipated and unavoidable interruptions arise.
c. Takes on additional tasks and fits them into schedule when necessary.
3) Work Quality
a. Organize work/duties efficiently and effectively.
b. Prioritize tasks appropriately.
c. Carries out work accurately.
d. Attention to detail.
e. Completes work on or ahead of schedule.
f. Responds to specific inquiries/requests in a timely manner.
4) Professionalism/Customer Service
a. Dress/presentation is appropriate to work position.
b. Arrives punctually for work and remains for the entire scheduled time.
c. Does not miss scheduled work except in emergency circumstances.
d. Interacts professionally and courteously with supervisor (as relevant) and others.
e. Speaks with tact, composure and diplomacy in all circumstances.
f. Follow directions when directions are given.
g. Takes on additional tasks when necessary.
h. Responds non-defensively and without blaming others when feedback is given.
i. Anticipates needs/demands of supervisor and others and responds effectively.
j. Interacts respectfully with all people, regardless of their status or identities.
k. Monitors own performance and actively seeks feedback for improvement.
l. Supports others in behaving professionally
5) Initiative
a. Works independently on tasks, problem-solving, or other situations.
b. Asks for clarification or further information where necessary.
c. Resolves issues or potential issues proactively.
d. Acts resourcefully to accomplish job when supervisor is not available.
e. Continually learns new skills and information where relevant.
f. Uses mistakes to further own knowledge and competence.
6) Technical Knowledge
a. Uses general computer skills necessary to complete tasks.
b. Uses specific computer skills (Excel, etc.) necessary to complete tasks.
c. Uses technical skills other than those related to computers (photocopying, etc.) to complete tasks.
d. Uses technical academic knowledge (e.g., statistics) to complete tasks.
e. Learns and understands new programs and/or technologies to successfully accomplish assigned work duties
7) Problem-Solving
a. Articulates nature of problem that needs solving.
b. Describes information/tools needed/available to solve problems.
c. Solves straightforward problems by working through them.
d. Solves challenging/ill-defined problems by applying sound reasoning, critical thinking, creativity, analysis, etc.
e. Obtains, uses, and interprets facts and other information to solve problems Reliability is demonstrated with attendance and punctuality.
f. Follow established policies, procedures, and practices.
g. Commitment to work schedules and the needs of the position.
8) Analysis
a. Reasons through complicated situations with incomplete information
b. Breaks problems or situations down into constituent parts.
c. Explains how different parts relate to each other.
d. Draws implications from analysis.
9) Ethical Behavior
a. Makes decisions based on ethical standards rather than bias or potential gain.
b. Acts based on ethical standards rather than bias or potential gain.
c. Articulates and exemplifies the core values of CC (honor, respect, and integrity) and can explain how these affect their position.
d. Explains implications of CC core values (honor, respect, and integrity) for work position and responsibilities
e. Conscientiously avoids conflicts between personal/private interests and CC responsibilities, including (but not limited to) confidential information, financial transactions, and personal relationships
10) Appreciation of Diversity
a. Listens to different perspectives non-defensively and without anxiety.
b. Learns from people of different backgrounds or perspectives.
c. Works productively with people from different backgrounds, or with different perspectives.
d. Forges professional relationships with people of different backgrounds or perspectives
11) Communication Skills
a. Writes clearly, effectively, and with proper audience(s) in mind within context of position.
b. Speaks clearly, effectively, and with proper audience(s) in mind within context of position.
c. Utilizes good listening practices.
12) Teamwork
a. Works effectively with others.
b. Uses conflict resolution skills to resolve or defuse disagreements.
c. Articulates team goals and ways to reach those goals.
d. Develops and maintains positive relationships with team members.
e. Acts in ways that influence team members positively.
f. Develops understandings of larger work-related matters such as human motivation, conflict management, group dynamics, and effective work processes