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90.5 KCSU-FM Development Director (Work Study)

Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation is committed to increasing the diversity of our staff and providing a culturally responsive work environment. We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds and abilities. While RMSMC is an independent corporation from the University, we embrace Colorado State’s Principles of Community to guide us in our educational mission.

90.5 KCSU-FM Development Director Job Description

The mission of KCSU is to train students to collaboratively operate a radio station that
delivers and creates content that informs and inspires our listeners.

Short Description:
The KCSU Development Director oversees all donation funding to KCSU and the relationship management involved in maintaining excellent donor relations.

KCSU is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization tasked with generating about half its income. The development director is expected to help facilitate this by corresponding regularly with KCSU donors/alumni, curating and maintaining good relationships with local (supportive) businesses, and directly overseeing the big semesterly (weeklong) fundraiser called “DJ-Athon”.
  • This fundraiser happens during week 12 every semester and involves tracking donations, and sending thank you’s and/or donation gifts to our donors, depending on the amount donated.

KCSU is looking for students interested in learning by doing and gaining knowledge
through experience. Interested applicants are not expected to know everything about
radio equipment.

Please fill out all the required forms and return in a PDF document to The KCSU Student Media Application is attached at the bottom of this document

Preferred Knowledge/Skills/Abilities:
● Fundraising knowledge or experience
● Basic understanding of organized record keeping
● Utilizing software,(e.g. eTapestry, excel sheets, venmo) to monitor donors, donation amounts, and specific business donations/trades
● Ability to communicate to the community to garner support
● Ability to write/publish regular newsletters and send formal “thank you’s”
● Willingness to learn about an organization’s mission and learn where funding comes from (i.e. why it's important)
● Execution of creative (fundraising) ideas clearly to inform an audience on the importance of donating to program(s) they enjoy AND ensure those donors feel like their donations matter
● Willingness to get educated on FCC Underwriting and broadcast language
● Willingness to learn about KCSU’s underwriting and services

Principle Duties and Responsibilities:
● Fundraise for KCSU year round and manages KCSU Supporter relations
● Fulfills all tasks assinged leading up to the KCSU DJ-Athon (which will always be scheduled M-F during week 12 of every semester)
● Secure matching challenge grants from businesses
● Work with the Programming Director to schedule DJs in the on-air studio (booth) for DJ-Athon week.
  • Preferably two voices per show from 7am to 7pm each weekday, with the final day (Friday) scheduled as a 24 hour broadcast starting at 7am Friday and ending 7am Saturday
● Work with Programming and Promotions departments to create and talking points for DJs to use during DJ-Athon week
● Submit donor(s) billing information to eTapestry, KCSU’s donor relation software, and monitor alternative donation platforms, like the KCSU Venmo account and call-in/cash donations.
● Provide a copy to the front desk for all alternative donations and ensure completion for call-in donations
● Send handwritten and electronic thank you notes to all donors year round
● Mail proper prize packages to donors or ensures pick-up for donor gifts
● Work closely with all KCSU departments (namely Promotions, Production, Web, Programming and Station) to promote DJ-Athon as much as possible
● Provide coaching, feedback, and guidance to all on-air fundraisers
● Educate everyone at KCSU on the importance of fundraising.
● Teach donors how to keep track of in-studio donations in real time
● Keep morale high to ensure everyone involved with fundraising is having a fun time and reward them for their hard work
● Work closely with general manager to order donor gifts in time for DJ-Athon
● Log all new donor information into eTapestry
● Oversees production and distribution of Club 905 monthly newsletter
● Oversees production and distribution of the general monthly “Friends of KCSU” newsletter
● Establishes and delivers annual revenue goals planning for year-over-year increases
● Secures grants and institutional funding as needed
● Negotiates and secures food trades (catering orders) for station meetings
● Work with the Web Content Editor and Web Director to write one (required) web
article per semester. Web article due dates are assigned by the Station Manager
● Work on specific tasks given to you from the Station Manager, General Manager
or Programming Director

Development Director supervises throughout year/assists in hiring process for:

Development Director Supervisors:
Station Manager, General Manager, RMSMC CEO

Job Information:
If you are an interested applicant or want more information about this position, please see the attached document titled “90.5 KCSU-FM News Department Application.” For additional questions or concerns, please email

KCSU is looking for students interested in learning by doing and gaining knowledge
through experience. Interested applicants are not expected to know everything about
radio equipment.

All student management team applicants must take at least one credit class and be a degree-seeking, fee-paying Colorado State University or Front Range Community College students in good academic standing

Applications are due on Monday, March 27th, by noon. When you email in your application, include all the times you are available for a 1-hour interview between March 28th - April 7th. Interviews will be conducted in person, unless remote accommodations are requested. KCSU-FM is an equal opportunity employer.


90.5 KCSU-FM Development Director Application 

TO: KCSU-FM Management Applicants 
FROM: Brighid Bandel, KCSU-FM Station Manager  & Asher Korn, KCSU-FM General Manager 
SUBJECT: KCSU Student Management Team Application Process 

The mission of KCSU is to train students to collaboratively operate a radio station that delivers and creates content that informs and inspires our listeners. 

Thank you for your interest in KCSU-FM for the 2023/24 school year! Please don’t hesitate to make an appointment with myself, Asher Korn, or our Station Manager, Brighid Bandel, if you have any questions about the job description or any other matter. 

The development director works for a 30-week period for approximately 7-hours a week for minimum wage. (this is subject to change after we get a confirmed budget) 

It is anticipated your hours will fluctuate as outlined in the job description. All student management team applicants must take at least one credit class and be a degree-seeking, fee-paying Colorado State University students in good academic standing. 

Please fill out all the required forms and return in a PDF document to All student management team members are expected to voluntarily train with their predecessor 2-hours each week after they are hired. 

Your application is due by Monday, March 27th by noon. When you email in your application, include all the times you are available for a 1-hour interview between March 28th-April 7th. Interviews will be conducted remotely. KCSU-FM is an equal opportunity employer. 

Your application should include: 
1. One-page Cover letter addressed to: 
  • Brighid Bandel 
  • KCSU Station Manager 
  • 1101 Center Ave Mall, Suite 118 
  • Lory Student Center 
  • Colorado State University 
  • Fort Collins, CO 80523 
2. Completed application form (see below)
3. Personal Resume

KCSU Student Media Application 

Date _____________ 
Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (____) ___________________ CSU ID Number _____________________
Alternative Phone Number (____) _______________ 
Year in school during the 2023-24 academic year __________________________________
How many credits will you be taking while you work here? ____________________________ Approximate GPA __________________ 
Major ___________________________________________ 
Indicate Position(s) Desired __________________________________________________________
Date available for employment? ____________ Planned graduation date? ____________ 
Additional Comments_________________________________________________________________ 
Applicant’s physical or 

Development Director Interview Questions 

Read through and become familiar with these questions. You will be asked these questions during your interview*. There is no need to provide a written response, though you are permitted to bring notes and visual/audio aids during your interview. Use these questions and the job description to prepare you for the interview. 

*It is not common practice in the professional world to provide a job applicant topics and questions in advance. In the interest of your preparation for this interview, and because KCSU is a learning institution, we are providing you with questions to prepare answers to. Expect more questions than this list in the interview.

1. Why do you want to be the development director at KCSU? 
2. Talk about past experiences fundraising. If you don’t have any, why are you passionate about fundraising now? 
3. Why is it important for KCSU to have a development director? 
4. Describe some elements of a successful KCSU DJ-Athon that you enjoyed. Then, describe some really unsuccessful moments and explain how you would improve them. 
5. Motivating people to fundraise is hard. What will you do to keep up morale and make sure everyone feels appreciated as they are asking for donations? 
6. What techniques will you use to ensure DJs, volunteers, and staff are fully trained and ready to host the DJ-Athon? 
7. Fundraising for KCSU should be happening year round, and not just relying on the DJ-Athon, especially as donors are abandoning radio and turning to streaming services. What will you do to keep up fundraising year round and on more platforms than just radio? 
8. Describe elements of a quality radio pitch to get listeners to donate. 9. What are your largest goals for improving fundraising at KCSU? 
10. What is a fundraiser that stands out to you or what are effective fundraising techniques that you have found to be successful? 
11. Why should listeners donate to KCSU? 
12. Since this position is recently new, what are ways that we could strengthen this department and help with internal structure. 
13. Your main focus in this position is the DJ-Athon, week-12 of every semester. How do you plan to manage your time leading up to that week?
14. The DJ-Athon is stressful. Can you talk about how you manage stress? 15. How can you ensure our fundraising goals will be met? 
16. Do you own a radio? Well, a lot of students don’t. What creative steps will you take to keep students engaged with KCSU content? 
17. Would you be open to another position outside of this department at KCSU? (This is unusual but we always like to check.)