Summer Camp Program Staff
Jaycee Camp Hope (children and adults with developmental disabilities)
Camp Sertoma (children with speech & hearing impairments;
children who are economically disadvantaged)
Camp Odyssey (children ages 6-12)
Camp Lions Den (children with visual impairments)
Responsible for planning and directing all program activities for his/her group, except those directed by specialists. Each group will consist of 7 to 9 campers of the same general age. Program staff must live and eat with his/her group and uphold the high ideals necessary to have positive influence with all campers. Program staff will be supervised by a head counselor.
Essential job functions for all open positions include:
- Ability to observe camper behavior, assess its appropriateness, enforce appropriate safety and health regulations and emergency procedures, and apply appropriate behavior management techniques
- Ability to perform routine first aid tasks including the delivery of pre-dosed oral or topical medications
- Auditory and visual ability to respond to critical incidents
- Physical ability to operate emergency exits in all camp buildings
- Ability to plan activities that help all campers in cabin group to experience success
Complete job descriptions and qualifications are available upon request.