Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin - Public Health AmeriCorps Member
The Alliance is Wisconsin’s voice for children’s health. We raise awareness, mobilize leaders, impact public health and implement programs proven to work, and are affiliated with Children’s Wisconsin. Our key initiatives are emergency care, environmental health, grief and bereavement, injury prevention and death review, medical home, and oral health. This AmeriCorps position is designed to complement the efforts of the Alliance initiatives, primarily focused on emergency care, environmental health and injury prevention. Overnight travel may occur. Mileage and travel costs will be reimbursed.
This position is primarily work from home with occasional in person meetings with partners.
Emergency care - Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC)
· Promote EMSC resources among pre-hospital and hospital emergency providers. Resources include; non-pharmacologic pediatric pain management tools, pediatric comfort kits and emergency reference cards.
o Promote the EMSC program and resources though outreach among pre-hospital and hospital emergency providers.
o Develop strategies to distribute EMSC resources in geographic areas/communities where they are not currently available.
o Develop and present 15 minute report summarizing strategies utilized to disseminate comfort kits, and results of strategies, to be presented to the Wisconsin EMS for Children Advisory Committee.
· Improve professional education on pediatric emergency care by implementing quarterly virtual pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) meetings.
o Observe 3 to 4 virtual pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) meetings.
o Develop evaluation surveys for 3 to 4 virtual pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) meetings.
o Analyze evaluation results for 3 to 4 virtual pediatric emergency care coordinator (PECC) meetings and present at EMSC initiative check-ins.
- Evaluate progress toward achieving EMSC performance measures, as directed by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).
- Utilize the National EMSC Data Analysis and Resource Center’s contact list management system for data collection.
- Place reminder phone calls to EMS service directors and emergency department directors, to ensure an 80% statewide survey response rate, as directed by HRSA.
- Increase awareness of EMSC among health care professionals and community members.
- Develop weekly social media posts for Facebook and Twitter related to EMSC resources and initiatives.
- Work with the communications coordinator to develop marketing and promotional materials for the Wisconsin Pediatric Readiness Program.
- Work with the program manager to identify and recruit hospitals to work participate in the Wisconsin Pediatric Readiness Program.
Environmental health
· Implementation of the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition (WAC) school and child care walkthrough programs in order to decrease exposure to environmental asthma triggers.
o Outreach to schools with high rates of enrollment in the free and reduced lunch program to implement the WAC school walkthrough program.
o Outreach to child care centers with high rates of participation in the child care subsidy program to implement the WAC child care walkthrough program.
o Work with program leader to complete a certain number of school/child care walkthroughs.
o Complete pre and post evaluation with participating schools and child care centers.
o Complete 1-year follow-up evaluation with schools/child care centers from previous year.
o Prepare newsletter/journal articles, social media and handouts to promote walkthroughs.
o Prepare resources and coordinate logistics for walkthrough trainings and webinars.
· Increase the reach of the Wisconsin Asthma Coalition school and child care walkthrough programs throughout the state through a train-the-trainer model.
o Prepare presentation materials and training folders.
o Educate train-the-trainer participants on asthma basics, triggers and walkthrough process.
o Guide train-the-trainer participants during walkthrough at child care center or school.
Injury prevention and child death review
· Improve professional education regarding preventing injuries and fatalities in children.
o Attend Child Death Review (CDR) and Fetal Infant Mortality Review (FIMR) meetings.
o Data entry after attending CDR team meetings.
o Attend the Infant Death Center annual partners meeting.
o Attend Sleep Baby Safe trainings and enter pre-test and post-test data
o Participate in planning and attend the Keeping Kids Alive in Wisconsin Conference and Regional Meetings
o Prepare case review summaries
o Attend quarterly CDR Council Meetings
o Attend weekly team meetings
Other projects as needed throughout the year
Additional training opportunities
- Orientation of the organizational policies, procedures, facilities and staff
- Discussion with site supervisor on AmeriCorps member’s goals, interests and existing strengths
- Opportunities become available throughout the year to help the member meet personal goals
- Learning and development through our commitment to inclusion, diversity and equity
- Web-based HIPAA training
- Training or conference opportunities that arise throughout the year