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Job Description: Summer Artist
As the Summer Artist, this person is the artistic resource person for all summer groups. This position includes leading and creating art activities, providing counselors with resources they can use with their groups, and being a part of the Bethel Horizons community. The Artist will also be responsible for documenting campers’ experiences though photography. Food and Lodging provided throughout the time of employment.

The Summer Artist is accountable to the Program Director for the quality and delivery of work produced. 

PART-TIME/FULL-TIME: Seasonal Full-Time LOCATION: Bethel Horizons Camp and Retreat Center COMPENSATION: $240.00 per week.

1.     Minimum 18 years of age
2.     Suggested one year of college education or the equivalent in working life experience.
3.     The ability to meet each camper where that camper is at with the four harmonies of Bethel Horizons: God, Self, Others and Nature.
4.     Emotional maturity
5.     Liking for children, ability to understand the needs of the campers, and the good judgment to place the needs of the campers and the camp ahead of personal desires.
6.     Interest in contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the camp.
7.     Ability to work as a member of a group or team.

1.     Lead groups of campers with art activities. 
2.     Maintain, clean, and organize the Art Shack.
3.     Provide resources to counselors so that they will be able to use and facilitate during their down time with campers.
4.     Create and explore new art activities for campers.
5.     Document the experiences of campers through photography.
6.     Manage Bethel Horizons Social Media Accounts.
7.     Assist with daily job assignments assigned at the beginning of the week.
8.     Assist with children as necessary – behavior management and counselor relief.
9.     Assist with programs and campfires.
10.  Other duties as assigned by summer Program Director and Program Coordinator.

ABOUT BETHEL HORIZONS: Bethel Horizons is a year-round facility located on more than 548 acres of prairie, forests, wet-lands and valleys bordering Governor Dodge State Park. Through its outdoor summer camp, retreat and event center, adventure courses and art education campus, it endeavors to develop and perpetuate a physical, social, intellectual, and spiritual environment which will strengthen and enhance the understanding of a person’s relation to God, Self, Others, and Nature. Horizons is affiliated with Bethel Lutheran Church-ELCA, Madison, Wisconsin and accredited by the American Camp Association. It is a member of Lutheran Outdoor Ministries, an association of ELCA camps across the country. To apply, please go to Http:// and click on the link to fill out an application. If you have any questions, please contact James Marlow at or call 608-807-7468.