Towson University

Math Tutor

January 2018 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I liked that it was on campus and that it involved math as that is my major.

What I wish was different

I would've liked longer hours, but besides that it was fine.


Apply to get summer jobs early if you want seasonal work.
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Graphic Designer

August 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

Its a good job, good business practice

What I wish was different

More heads up on assigned work


Take your time to do your job right
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June - August 2018 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I liked being able to work in a lab and establish if I wanted to make a career out of doing so.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have gotten an opportunity to go out of state as well to do an internship.


Commit yourself to work 40 hours a week. Make room in your schedule and prioritize. Even though it is not school, I was exected to read research articles.
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Belay Attendant

May 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked


What I wish was different

More hours


Do not expect to make a lot of money, do it for a smaller more consistent income
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Cofac Event Staff

September 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I like how easy and flexible scheduling is for students. They are very understanding and work around our classes and extra-curricular activities. Shifts are also pretty short, around 3 to 4 hours. You can always email the box office to pick up extra shifts in case someone calls out. And sometimes you can even see a show or performance for free!

What I wish was different

This job in particular as an usher for shows and concerts, can be awkward at times or difficult when you have to politely ask patrons to put their phones away or that they have to purchase a ticket even after the show has started. It is also unpredictable what time you will get off from work. Usually it is a half an hour after the show has ended. We always know our call time but we don't know in advance how long the piece will be and if it will start on time.


I would suggest bringing note cards or something small to study from while you are waiting (if you choose to sit out for late-comers instead of seeing the piece) because it can get boring, especially for 2 to 3 hour plays.
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June - September 2019 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

Learning applicable information about my degree.

What I wish was different

I wish the summer was longer so I could of gotten more experiments done.


Plan ahead
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Glen Ivy Team

June - August 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I enjoyed working outside and learning about different plants while working.

What I wish was different

I wish there would have been more structure and/or a person with more authority. Often people never showed up or didn’t put in the amount of work others did.


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Athletic Department Intern

August - December 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

The people in the department are so nice and have taught me so much about athletics. It is great to see how athletics is ran from the inside.

What I wish was different

There is not much that I would change. I am hoping for more opportunities in the department that I can take advantage of for the spring, since I am graduating this semester.


For anyone doing an internship, my biggest piece of advice is be as helpful as you can. Do not say no. Show you are willing to work even if it means getting your hands dirty. Somethings they might ask you to do you might not want to do or it might be inconvenient, but say "yes" and do it any way. That little bit of inconvenience for you is helping who ever asked greatly and you will be rewarded in the end.
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Orientation Leader

August - September 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

Helping New Students

What I wish was different

Better living situation


DO IT!!! This job will change your life, you will meet and connect with so many people so fast
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Analytical Researcher

June 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I liked that I got hands on experience doing lab work that I will one day be doing in my career.

What I wish was different

I wish I had known about this opportunity sooner.


Get as much experience as possible and put in the work because it pays off in the end.
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Orientation Leader

May - September 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

It was very fun meeting and introducing the the next generation incoming Towson students to the university.

What I wish was different

I wish that I would have gotten closer to my other co-workers sooner than I did.


Its an amazing experience, and will really allow you to grow as a person.
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Undergraduate Learning Assistant

August 2018 - May 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

Building and strengthening lab skills

What I wish was different


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Orientation Leader

June - September 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I loved the interaction with people.

What I wish was different

I wished I worked more hours.


To be ready to walk.
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orientation leader

March - August 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I loved working with my university, getting to meet and welcome new Towson students and the team of new student and family programs.

What I wish was different

Paid more, but don't we always want more money hahaha


truly a growing experience to work with the university, students (both new and coworkers) and I highly recommend everyone apply
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Desk Attendant

May - August 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I really enjoyed meeting people from all kinds of backgrounds. People stayed on our campus from all over the world, and even a group from China came to the university's campus to stay with us while we hosted a competition. I had the opportunity to meet students and interns from across the country, I don't think I would've gotten that kind of opportunity without being in this position.

What I wish was different


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Orientation Leader

June - September 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I loved my co workers and bosses as well as the work we were doing

What I wish was different



The best things come when you aren’t expecting them and some when jobs actually mean something to you, they can change your life.
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Orientation Leader

June - August 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

I loved meeting all the new students and working for NSFP

What I wish was different

The way we train and interact with the students during freshman and transfer days.


Go into it really open-minded, willing to be vulnerable, and willing to be able to meet new people and enjoy new things.
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Biology Research Intern

June 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

Getting hands on experience working within a lab setting. Learning how to perform protein purifications.

What I wish was different


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Orientation Leader

April - August 2019 • Towson, MD

What I liked

Met a lot of people, fun experience, lot of good skills for my resume.

What I wish was different

I didn’t make as much money as I probably could have working somewhere else, and it can get taxing at times. Being surrounded by the same people all the time is something you should be prepared for if you consider that to be a downfall. Also be aware if you choose to live on campus (free) you don’t get free meals if you’re not working, so you still need to buy groceries. I lived off so it didn’t affect me regardless.


Make connections with people, follow your instructions, and go to bed early.
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May 2017 • Towson, MD

What I liked

the communityu

What I wish was different


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