Internal Communications and Branding Intern

May - August 2023 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I loved everything about working at TD!!! Right off the bat, the recruiters in HR are super respectful of your time throughout the interview process, and so are the interviewers. I really appreciated our 3 day orientation in Mt Laurel to get acclimated, learn about TD, meet other interns, and network with colleagues across the bank. Even though you are just an intern at a huge company, you feel very appreciated and are given real work and responsibilities! The company culture is amazing and everyone is excited to meet you and have coffee chats.

What I wish was different



I would definitely advise interns to ask questions, but if its something technical, before you ask your manager a question try to figure it out yourself--that's how you grow! Also write down every project you worked on and the contact info of people you've spoken to throughout in order to keep a robust network. Get to know the other interns and become friends with them! Also, constantly ask your manager for feedback as it will help you grow and improve!
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Design Research Intern

June - August 2022 • Falmouth, ME

What I liked

This internship provided me with a great opportunity to grow my research skills and move beyond what I've learned in an academic setting. I felt valued by my team members, and they always put time aside to answer my questions/teach me any relevant skills. One of my favorite parts of the internship was being paired with a Peer Mentor. Through this mentorship, I was able to work closely on an ongoing project and get a better sense of how the Design Research Team functions within TD.

What I wish was different

Given that I was in a remote position, I would have liked to have more formal opportunities to connect virtually with other interns.


Don't be afraid to reach out to other interns and TD employees. Everyone I reached out to was happy to set up time to chat and talk about their experiences, career journeys, and professional roles. By speaking to many of my team members, it helped me shape my own personal and professional goals post-grad.
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Summer Investment Banking Analyst

June - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great culture, very supportive co-workers/employers

What I wish was different

Learning experience wasn't great. Definitely felt and wished I had been working on more live deals and getting exposure.


Do your best on the job and plan accordingly for future exit opps.
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Sales and Trading Summer Analyst

June - August 2017 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Great training, environment, and people. I was able to talk to an MD of a desk by just turning around. The rotational program was an excellent opportunity to learn about markets and fixed income sales and trading. Also Covered F/X and DCM.

What I wish was different


Be ready to hit the ground running and ask a lot of questions.
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Analyst (Investment Banking)

June - August 2018 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I had a great summer gaining real-world experience in investment banking. I enjoyed not only the work, but also the people I worked with. I grew tremendously as a person and as a professional.

What I wish was different

There was a very steep learning curve so I wish I had material to prepare with before my summer began.


Never underestimate the value of mentorship.
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Software Engineer

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I really liked the structure of the program. We had several events that were for the interns or the interns were invited to: Charity Event, Yankees Baseball Game, Charity Auction, Lunch and Learns, Happy Hours, etc. The work, feedback loop, and evaluation criteria for Full-time was also very structured. I enjoyed this and I learnt a lot about the industry and what I want after graduation.

What I wish was different

I wish I had selected a different team. Although, I could never have known that. I don't think the quant team at a sell-side Investment Bank is the most interesting aspect. The technologies we used were old and the problems we were solving were not novel.


Structured internship programs are great in many capacities. Rarely do I think they are not worth it as a college student.
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Backend Software Engineer

May - August 2019 • Southlake, TX

What I liked

I loved the culture, the freedom, and the workplace!

What I wish was different

I wish I got a chance to do more engaging work but that’s to be expected for a first time intern!


When finding a job, focus on the culture and the people, not just the kind of work you would be doing. It was fun to go to work everyday, and that’s what you want to aim for.
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Sales & Trading Summer Analyst

June - August 2019 • New York City, NY

What I liked

I came in knowing minimal about fixed income and sales and trading. I was challenged every single day and felt that I had a solid understanding of the markets by the end of the summer. I also liked that I was able to make so many connections during my time at TD, rotating through the several rotations.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to pick my 3 rotations based on what I was interested in. Instead, they were assigned and unrelated to some of my interests.


Ask as many questions as possible and lean into the experience.
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Compliance analyst

June - July 2020 • New York City, NY

What I liked

Been able to gain more exposure to working for an environment akin to a law firm. This is very helpful for pre-law students like myself.

What I wish was different

Fixed my class schedule better


Be confident in interviews
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Bankcard Intern

June - August 2022 • Mount Laurel, NJ

What I liked

I really enjoyed the people I worked with during my internship. I like the mentoring program. I like the culture of the organization . The diversity of the company.

What I wish was different


My bass advice on my work experience with TD is asking questions again and again. Since no one assumes you know everything, there really is room for error in the learning process given to the intern in this organization. The goal is to be always to learn , to build your network and to be successful.
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Wealth Intern

June - August 2022 • New York City, NY

What I liked

TD is a great place to work. The culture of TD is welcoming and collaborative. Everyone that I have spoken to says that the TD community is the reason to work here. This became clear to me early on. I learned a lot about the products in my department, sat in meetings with professionals and executives, and heard from leadership across the bank. The highlight of my experience is the team I worked with. They were truly dedicated to making my internship worthwhile. Also, I loved the projects I worked on as they allowed me to make an impact. If you are considering working here TD is truly the place to be.

What I wish was different

I worked from home, so I wish that I could have worked some days in the office. I feel as though an in-person interaction with employees and fellow interns would have been a great opportunity. With that, TD still found a way to make the internship the best I have had yet.


My advice is to always be prepared. You may be called upon to do something you were not expecting so know your work and know how to articulate your work to other people.
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Business Systems Analyst

June 2022 • Mount Laurel, NJ

What I liked

Working for TD Bank over the summer was fantastic. I got counsel that made me a valuable team player and I learnt most of the things there was to know about the bank. My manager and team members went above and above to make my transition to their team as easy as possible. In the bank, weekly sessions regarding different technology were organized. The program encourages all interns to network and, if it piques their interest, to work as shadows in different sectors.

What I wish was different

Although I would have preferred to complete the internship in person, it was a worthwhile experience. I have nothing I would wish to change.


I believe that asking questions is a fantastic approach to demonstrate your enthusiasm and engagement in your work. Never be embarrassed to admit that you don't know how to accomplish something or that you're unclear on a certain subject. Nobody expects you to be an expert, and everybody has been more than willing to guide me till I understand.
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Financial Planning & Analysis Intern

June - August 2022 • Cherry Hill, NJ

What I liked

This was my first finance internship going into my junior year. I can easily say the best part of my 9 week sophomore program was the FP&A team I was placed with. It is a central team consisting of 7 people within TD AMCB and I loved learning about the forecasting process and how it impacts each line of business. I was able to assist in various metric consolidation projects and even got to see a small part of my work on FTEs presented in a meeting with the CFO.

What I wish was different

For my first internship, I have few complaints. I really enjoyed the remote work experience, but wish I could have had more interaction with my fellow intern cohort (102 in all). I ended up connecting frequently with 3 interns in similar finance roles, so by no means did I miss out on forming meaningful relationships.


My team did a great job involving me in the day-to-day reporting operations, but I highly suggest that all interns not be afraid to ask to sit in on meetings of interest, be attached to an email chain, or to even assist on a team project. The worst thing your manager can say is no.
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Credit Analyst Intern

June - August 2022 • Mount Laurel, NJ

What I liked

I really enjoyed my summer with TD Bank. The orientation and onboarding process was fantastic. I received fantastic training that prepared me to make meaningful contributions to my team, but also was educated on all aspects of the bank. My mentor and managers were accessible and went out of their way to make the adjustment to their team as smooth as possible. The selling point for me when deciding on internship offers was the TD culture and its commitment to investing in their early talent. After concluding my internship, I can confidently say these aspects of the company are real and make the bank a great place to start your career.

What I wish was different

While the timing with Covid-19 obviously was the main cause of this issue, my one wish was that the internship was in-person. TD did a great job of scheduling meetings and coffee chats that allowed interns to connect and meet full-time employees, but I believe my experience would have been even better if I was able to make connections in-person.


One piece of advice I would give is to take advantage of the training and knowledge that TD provides you with. I was able to learn more about what I am interested in during these 12 weeks than I did in my first three years at school. The people at TD are excited to work with you and almost all are willing to help you advance your career in anyway that they can, so make sure to take advantage because it goes by quick!
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Governance & Control Intern

June - August 2022 • Mount Laurel, NJ

What I liked

I liked the different career development sessions held for all the interns, as well as just the Shared Services interns. It was a great way to work on my professionalism and also meet new colleagues.

What I wish was different

I wish I was assigned a bit more work, or at least given suggestions on what to do during free time. I had a lot of free time, even after asking for more work, which I spent networking and building technical skills.


Make a plan and set goals for yourself throughout the summer. Ten weeks will pass faster than you think, so figure out early on exactly what you want to get out of the internship. For example, if there are people in certain roles you want to network with, set a goal to meet with a certain number each week. Or if you want to improve technical skills, set daily goals on how much time you will spend sharpening them.
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May - August 2021 • Greenville, SC

What I liked

The culture at TD is amazing! Everyone is very friendly and wants to to help you succeed.

What I wish was different

My role was in the Contact Center which was a newly created position. It was a little unorganized and I wanted to do more than I was given. There wasn't much work given to me.


Get to know your coworkers! It was a great networking opportunity.
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Commercial Banking Intern

May - August 2020 • Mount Laurel Township, NJ

What I liked

Despite working virtually for the entirety of the summer, I liked how I was consistently engaged on several different projects and did not have to struggle to stay busy. I was able to take the lead on several impactful initiatives, hear from senior leaders throughout the bank as part of a virtual Leader Speaker Series, and connect/work directly with colleagues both on and outside my team over the summer. Also, the culture at the bank really enabled me to reach out to various colleagues and expand my scope, which was very beneficial in helping develop my understanding of the bank's different lines of business.

What I wish was different

Of course, nothing can replace an in-person work experience, but other than having the chance to meet some of my colleagues and fellow interns in-person I would not change a thing.


Everyone that I have come across at the bank during my internship is really nice and receptive to helping you learn and develop, so I would definitely advise future interns to leverage this opportunity to reach out and meet some of the awesome people working here!
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Consumer Banking Intern

May - August 2020 • Wilmington, DE

What I liked

TD did a great job creating a virtual internship experience. I had the ability to network with intern both in and out of my home office and also within the company. The team I worked with was so helpful and wanted to see my succeed and gave me every necessary tool to do so. All in all, I was given the tools I needed to succeed and the freedom to make my internship project and direction my own.

What I wish was different

I wish I could've had an in-person corporate setting experience for future learning.


Do not be afraid to ask questions or ask for help. TD was always willing to help and the company culture is above and beyond anything I could have asked for.
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Commercial Bank Finance Intern

May - August 2020 • Cherry Hill, NJ

What I liked

I really loved how dedicated TD Bank was to providing a meaningful internship experience in a virtual setting. TD went above and beyond to offer opportunities for interns to interact with each other and with various members of the TD Bank community. My manager and my team were welcoming, helpful, and always willing to give advice or guidance. I also feel like I was doing a lot of value-added work.

What I wish was different

I wish I were able to work in an office setting for more informal interaction between myself and my coworkers. This was not possible due to COVID-19.


Ask questions! Before going into a meeting or a phone call, have a few questions prepared that are very tailored to your audience. Make sure you keep interested, pay attention, and ask lots of questions! The people of TD are happy to answer them. Also, keeping up with current events within the banking industry is very helpful.
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Corporate and Speciality Banking Intern

May - August 2020 • Cherry Hill, NJ

What I liked

My favorite part would have to be being able to work alongside the members in TDEF. They are such a great and fun team. The work is very informative and everyone is very helpful. I was able to work on a wide range of assignments within Credit and meet members across the Credit team. Despite being a virtual intern, my manager did a great job of seamlessly transitioning my role/responsibilities online. I did meaningful and impactful work which really made me happy and feel a part of the team.

What I wish was different

I wish I was able to work in the office to develop a more personal connection with members on the team.


Always ask questions and ask different people for help on assignments when needed. Make the most of the experience and enjoy every moment of it because it truly files by.
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