Planit Advertising, Inc.

Account Management Intern

June - August 2021 • Baltimore, MD

What I liked

I had a great experience as an Intern at Plant Advertising. I liked that I got hands-on experience. I had the opportunities to sit on various client meetings. I was also a part of internal meetings and was able to give my own thoughts and ideas to the team. As an intern, we were also given an intern project and we were able to have our own client. We would meet with our client weekly and apply what we learned from the agency client meetings to our own client and apply independence.

What I wish was different

I had a great experience at as an Intern at Planit Advertising. I had the opportunity to have a hybrid work schedule so I spent one day a week working remotely and the other days I spent in the office. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 pandemic, many employees were not in the office. A great thing about this company was the company culture, however, I did not have the opportunity to meet as many people as I would have liked in-person because they were working from home.


My best piece of advice is to ask questions! An internship is a learning experience and the only way to get the most out of it is to ask many questions so you are learning. Also, asking questions shows your interest and ensures that you are completing tasks correctly and appropriately.
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