Planit Advertising, Inc.

About Planit Advertising, Inc.

Our structure de-emphasizes traditional departments and blends disciplines into what we call service groups. There are just three of them at Planit—Strategic Services, Creative Services, and Client Services—that combine to bring critical perspectives (consumer, experience, and industry, respectively) to address our clients’ challenges, no matter the medium. That’s a huge distinction for our agency. Traditional department structures constrict big thinking. They limit the opportunity to create expansive, unexpected work. Our project teams discover holistic consumer and industry insights, then invent in any channel.

Despite this blend, or maybe because of it, the one simple truth at Planit is that digital must be at the heart of every creative solution. We don’t just live in a digital culture, we lead one. It’s how we enable real-time connections between our clients and their customers, tell stories in bold new ways, and foster brand engagement far beyond a click, Like, or even a sale. We believe that with more profound digital thinking comes endless reach and limitless creative possibilities.


Account Management Intern

June 2021 - August 2021 Baltimore, MD
“I had a great experience as an Intern at Plant Advertising. I liked that I got hands-on experience. I had the opportunities to sit on various client meetings. I was also a part of internal meetings and was able to give my own thoughts and ideas to the team. As an intern, we were also given an intern project and we were able to have our own client. We would meet with our client weekly and apply what we learned from the agency client meetings to our own client and apply independence. ”
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