Northern Arizona University (NAU)
Student Manager
October 2016 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
Training, learning, and helping customers
What I wish was different
Pack lunch!
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Summer Camp Counselor
June - August 2018 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
It was a fun experience to work with kids at a summer camp and gain leadership qualities for later in life.
What I wish was different
I wish the pay would have been a bit higher just based on the amount of time and effort we put into the summer camp.
To have patience and be willing to work with other people in a stressful environment.
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Program Assistant
May - July 2018 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
I had the opportunity to help first generation students develop skills and habits that will help them be successful in their academic endeavors.
What I wish was different
I wish the program was a week longer.
You need to have an open mind to all individuals in order to best serve them.
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Shop manager
May 2018 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
Working on campus
What I wish was different
More hours
It was a good experience.
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Front Desk Receptionist
June 2018 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
What I wish was different
Networking is the best way to get a job
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September 2017 - August 2018 • Flagstaff, AZ
What I liked
The environment is wonderful and they encourage you to focus on your classes and schoolwork. The scheduling is so flexible!
What I wish was different
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Student Service Agent
July 2018 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
Flexible hours, everyone who works here is nice, learning opportunities, chances to move up within NAU.
What I wish was different
Communication within departments and different levels of workers.
It has given me more knowledge behind the admissions process of NAU. I really enjoy my time here.
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Peak Performance Math Coach
March - August 2018 • Phoenix, AZ
What I liked
I loved the flexibility, and that I was able to work from home!
What I wish was different
I wish I got more hours.
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