Medical College of Wisconsin

I'm seeking people with experience as a 500 Stars research intern at Medical College of Wisconsin Graduate School! How'd you prep for the interview?

To prepare for the interview, I made sure that my resume was recent. I came knowing the answers to a couple basic questions, like: what kind of career path are you interested in (medicine, graduate research, etc)? Why do you think you would benefit from the program? I also came ready to talk abou...
Internship Interview Research Education Medicine Medical College of Wisconsin Graduate School
1 answer

Can someone fill me in on what it's like to be a 500 Stars research intern at Medical College of Wisconsin Graduate School?

From Monday-Thursday, interns all worked approximately 5 hours per day, on a schedule that they worked out individually with their peers. I usually came in at around 9, and would stay until 2 or 3. Some days were longer, and I would work around 8-4:30/5. Some days there was nothing to do, and I l...
Internship Day in the Life Research Education Medicine Medical College of Wisconsin Graduate School
1 answer