MD Anderson Cancer Center

College Intern

June - August 2018 • Smithville, TX

What I liked

I loved working full-time in a lab setting while contributing to a fascinating project. This experience confirmed that I would like to go to graduate school and pursue research as a career.

What I wish was different

Absolutely nothing.


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Biology Research Intern

July - August 2018 • Houston, TX

What I liked

I really enjoyed the access to clinical shadowing that this internship afforded me, as I had the opporunity to shadow a doctor of the same specialization as my intended vocation. I had the opportunity to interact with diverse individuals in the lab all from science backgrounds, as well as a strong education in the execution of assays and various tests in the lab I worked in. Additionally, I had enough flexibility to test out ideas that my research inspirired, as well as the opportunity to work on a review paper.

What I wish was different

I wish I had perhaps had more things to do beside writing my research paper, as we were only able to fit in 3 shadowing sessions. If the shadowing had begun earlier in the internship rather than at the latter end of the internship, I think I would have been able to experience more of the clinical aspect of research.


I highly advice being able to afford housing in Houston if you are not a Houston native. Unfortunately, most of the monthly rent spans from $700 to $1000, which was unexpected coming from the Chicago area. Additionally, having relatives or friends in Houston can definitely help make the experience more homely, as it is a vast city and you most likely will not have your own car.
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