Aster Canyon Consulting, Inc.

About Aster Canyon Consulting, Inc.

We specialize in environmental field services including; wildlife surveys for threatened and
endangered species, wildlife monitoring of gas fields, habitat mitigation recommendations, gas
well reclamation monitoring & recommendations, endangered plant surveys, GIS mapping
services, wetland delineations, and conservation easement baseline resource inventories. Our
clients are oil and gas companies, land trusts, non-profit conservation organizations, government
agencies, engineers, land developers, realtors and ranchers. Vegetation inventoried consists of
arid cold-desert sagebrush-grassland and desert saltbush species.We specialize in environmental field services including; wildlife surveys for threatened and
endangered species, wildlife monitoring of gas fields, habitat mitigation recommendations, gas
well reclamation monitoring & recommendations, endangered plant surveys, GIS mapping
services, wetland delineations, and conservation easement baseline resource inventories. Our
clients are oil and gas companies, land trusts, non-profit conservation organizations, government
agencies, engineers, land developers, realtors and ranchers. Vegetation inventoried consists of
arid cold-desert sagebrush-grassland and desert saltbush species.


Reclamation Ecologist

May 2018 - August 2018 Pinedale, WY
“Curt and Renan Yanish were really helpful with job search and investing advice, and all of my coworkers were supportive and friendly. The job was mostly field work with reclamation inspections of oil well and pads. We did get to do plenty of data entry and ended up writing the final reports. In addition, we occasionally did wetland delineations. ”
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