Archegos Capital Management, LP is a family investment office specializing in public equities primarily in the United States, China, Japan, and Korea. The firm is located in New York City. The team employs a disciplined, research-driven approach to fundamental stock selection, while taking a multi-year approach to investing. Archegos Capital Management has a strong mission and values-driven culture and a deliberate focus on mentoring its people and growing them professionally.
The Grace & Mercy Foundation (New York) supports the poor and oppressed, and helps people learn, grow, and serve. We work to connect people and projects that foster healthier societies through strategic investment and active partnership. We provide analytical and organizational support for nonprofits and grant makers. We are faith-led, opportunity-driven, and relationally-minded. Grace & Mercy Foundation also launched Just Show Up [JSU] Bible gatherings and Just Show Up [JSU] book clubs.