Abond CRO Inc.

About Abond CRO Inc.

Abond CRO, Inc. is a full service clinical research organization providing consulting, clinical operations, data management, statistical analysis and medical writing services to the drug and device development industries. The collaboration with our customers has resulted in more than 90 regulatory FDA approvals for products intended to improve the quality of life.

Clinical trial design and high-quality analysis is vital to our clients, and we are proud to have served and continue to serve a wide range of organizations. From universities and other contract research organizations to medical device and pharmaceutical companies, Abond delivers the expertise and personalized service needed to advance your work.


Statistical Services Intern

May 2019 Allendale, MI
“I learned so much and everyone is very nice. I started in the Summer and was able to continue my internship in the fall. They work good with my school schedule and I learn something new every day! ”

QC data analyst

June 2019 - August 2019 Allendale, MI
“The work was unique and working with SAS was great!”
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