At SAS INC, we take pride in giving students the ability to earn money and learn invaluable people skills without taking away from there much needed education. Unfortunately many other part time jobs for students do just that. Students simply can't balance good grades and 30+ hours of work at the same time. Thats why we allow students to choose the days and hours to work, to fit there own personal schedule, all while making good to great money or falling behind in grades. Our pay scale is based on work ethic, not work hours. We believe, if you work hard you should be compensated for your efforts equal to the amount of effort you put in. Our goal is to show young adults that you don't have to work for minumum wage, but instead make your own hourly wage, while also teaching them very valuable skills few other job includes. Please help us complete our mission to help kids earn good money, get great grades and teach them important life long skills. Contact Chance Greer with next steps to this process.